Page 1 of Winning Bid
Chapter One
I sing and dance to my favorite song while cleaning my boss, Mr. Demontez’s house.
The moment it gets to the chorus, I throw my body to the sound of the beat, eagerly gyrating all over the floor of my boss’s living room. The door chooses that moment to open, and since I'm in the middle of the house, dancing like I'd just won the lottery, I'm in clear view of the people behind it.
Well, maybe not crap. Judging from the smile on my boss’s face, I know he's about to tease the hell out of me. This is a frequent occurrence between us. He teases me about anything and everything. Sometimes, I like it. Most times, I don't because I'm left hot and bothered at the end with no hope of ever getting relief.
Something tells me now will just be another one of the countless times I'll go home, wishing I could ride the hell out of my forty-four-year-old boss’s face. Don't bother wondering how old I am; nowhere old enough to want him.
Am I well into adulthood? Yes. Still, I'm too young for him. At least, that's what I imagine he'll say should I ever get bold enough to make a move on him. Not that I ever will. I like having my job just fine.
“Don't stop on our account,” Rafael DeMontez, my hot billionaire boss and the man behind every night’s sexual fantasy, says as he steps inside his house with his niece, Sadie.
Sadie looks just as amused as he does, but behind her smile is fatigue from a long day at school. Tapping at my earbud sensor, I pause the song and bend down to pick up the napkin I had thrown down earlier.
“Good afternoon, Mr. DeMontez. Hello, Sadie,” I greet both of them.
Sadie smiles at me, a somewhat pitiful smile, as she passes me to go sit. Rafael comes to stand in front of me, his tall figure towering over me. I take an involuntary step back. He quips a brow at that. “What song were you listening to?” he asks.
I shrug. It's not the song he's interested in; he's just looking for something to start the conversation with.
“Come on, tell me; I promise I won't laugh.”
The wide smile on his face says otherwise. Somehow, I still open my mouth to answer him, knowing what's coming. “Uptown Funk.”
“No shit. Made you break out in some sweat, huh?” He taps at my forehead as he speaks, acting like it's totally normal to touch me.
He's the most handsy man I know. The most handsome man, too, if I'm going to be honest. At six foot two, Rafael is a Spanish olive-skin-toned man with shiny black hair and a body carved to taunt me every night as I lay alone in bed.
He has thin lips, the kind I wouldn't usually find sexy, except on him they’re beyond appealing. I’d wondered what he'd taste like the first day I saw him. Although desperately in need of a job, I was praying he wouldn't hire me. But he did, on the spot. And since I was either going to take his offer or let me and my sister die of hunger, I said yes.
It's been six months of working with him, and I can't exactly say it's been fun. It hasn't been horrible, either. As a housekeeper, I ensure that the house is in order, which most of the time isn't that much work because Rafael is a clean man.
He has his niece over frequently because her mother is a workaholic. In the tabloids, Rafael has a reputation as a manwhore. In person, I see a very intelligent and funny man. He's trying to make small talk with me right now after catching me dancing in his living room. Something most men in his position would probably lose their shit about.
“I guess,” I mumble and take another step back.
His eyes follow my movement. “I don't bite, you know. At some point, you'll have to stop acting like you don't want me to ride you so hard you can't walk for days.”
I blink. Unable to believe what I just heard him say. “What?” I exclaim.
“I said stop walking backward; otherwise, you'll lose your balance and fall.”
Of course, that's what he said. “Oh, okay.”
He smiles down at me and then takes a step back. “You should dance more often. I wouldn't pay a fortune to watch it, but it's not a bad sight.”
I open my mouth to set him straight about how good of a dancer I am, but he's already walking away from me. So I do something else instead: make fun of him like he just did me. I know he won't mind anyway. “I think I know a few people who'll pay to watch you dance too.”
He throws his head back and laughs but doesn't stop walking or turn back to look at me.
I glance at Sadie, who's now snoring on the sofa, and walk toward her to help her get comfortable before I go back to cleaning. When I'm done, I bring the food for the evening out and serve it before changing out of my uniform.
When I return to the living room, Rafael is back downstairs, waking Sadie up for dinner. “You're going?” He asks.