Page 113 of Moon's Promise
“This might be easier to manage.” Setting the pizza down onto the table, he pulled out a chair for her.
Larissa made a face at him. “Every day is a new adventure with this baby,” she told him, sitting down. “Yesterday, I couldn’t fit in my favorite sweats. Today, I can’t seem to judge how to maneuver my belly enough to sit down.”
Picking up the drinks, she brought them to the table to take the chair he had pulled out for her.
“Go ahead and help yourself.” Moon nodded toward the pizza. “I just want to wash my hands.”
She opened the box but waited until Moon came back and sat down next to her before taking a slice.
They ate in comfortable silence, and Larissa was glad she had changed her mind about leaving. When Priss had texted her that she was off work, she had told her that she had changed her mind due to the mess Moon had been making at putting the crib together.
“I appreciate you staying to finish the crib.”
“No problem. Other than having dinner with Priss, I had nothing else to do.”
“Sounds like you’re getting bored?”
“A little. Sizzle won’t even let me do the dishes.”
“It’s hard to be comfortable in someone else’s home,” he commiserated.
“Don’t get me wrong; they’re very nice.”
“Still, it’s not like having your own place.”
“Yes,” she agreed, taking another slice of pizza. “I’ll be glad when I can move into my house. The closing date isn’t until next month.”
“That’s a bummer.” Moon set his pizza down on his plate. “Why don’t you move back in with your sisters? I promise not to make an ass out of myself again.”
“I believe you.” She grinned at him. “You need my help to put together that dresser you bought?”
Moon grimaced at her. “I wasn’t going to ask, but I’m not going to turn your help down if you offer.”
“I would love to help. I love building furniture. Lana and Priss hate it, so I’ve always had to be the designated builder.”
“So, then, if we’re cool now, why not move back in with your sisters?”
“I would, but Lana’s lease is up, and since she’s going to be moving in with me, she can’t sign another lease. She asked her landlord to extend her current lease for a month, and he wouldn’t agree.”
“That sucks.”
“Yes, it does. Lana and Priss are going to rent a hotel room for a month, so it just makes sense for me to stay in Jamestown rather than renting another hotel room.”
“There is another option.”
Larissa looked at Moon curiously as he got up to go to the fridge, coming back with the pitcher of tea to refill their glasses.
“You all could move in here. There are plenty of empty rooms.”
She almost choked on a mouthful of pizza. “We couldn’t impose on you like that,” she managed to say in a hoarse voice.
“I don’t know why not.” He shrugged. “I planned to live at the club until the baby is born, anyway.”
Larissa stared at him in shock. “You had the house decorated just to let it sit empty?”
“I have to be at work at six. Most nights, I don’t get off until six or seven. It’s just easier to stay there to gain the extra sleep. When you have the baby, it’ll be worth the effort. Right now, I would just be coming back here to an empty house.
Sadness filled her at his thinking. He looked so lonely as he glanced toward the living room.