Page 156 of Moon's Promise
Larissa tried to push the hulk of the man away from her. “Don’t touch me! I called the police!” she lied.
“Does it seem like I give a fuck?”
No, she had to admit the ugly man did seem like he didn’t.
“You should have stayed in your car. It’s safer inside. You’re slowing us down. Get in the back seat. Me and a couple of my friends want to show you our driving skills.”
“I’ll pass. I’ll just stay here until you all get past—”
“Nah … that doesn’t work for us. What’s the fun in that?”
Averting her face so she wasn’t forced to smell his rancid breath, she protectively laid a hand over her belly. “Please, just leave. I’m pregnant.”
“Yeah, we can see that.” His leering gaze revolted her so much that she had to hold back the instinctive gag reflex from throwing up.
He brought his face closer to hers. “If you care about that baby, you’re going to get in the back seat and do what you’re told, or I’m going to put you in there, and I won’t give a fuck how big that belly is.”
She was already scared, so the sound of more motorcycles approaching had her about to take off at a run, terrified more of their friends were arriving.
The lone motorcycle coming within sight didn’t lessen the fear confronting her; it was only when the motorcycle passed them and the rider on the bike looked toward them that she recognized Shade.
Hysterical, she wanted to call out his name for help, but her scream died in her throat at his expression. Shade looked at her as if he had never seen her before, driving past without lowering his speed.
She helplessly looked after him as he went around another curve, then felt her knees give out. She was so scared, and if Shade was too afraid to stop, it spoke volumes about the danger she was in.
Knowing she was going to have to protect her baby, she started searching the ground for something to protect herself with. There wasn’t a branch or large rock within sight.
Her only choice was to steal one of their bikes.
You don’t even know how to ride one, she scolded herself right before she found herself being pulled away from the car door.
She fought the ugly bastard who was shoving her into the back seat of the car, only to find herself falling forward when he lurched to the side and dropped to the ground.
Astounded, she stared down at the man who no longer had the back of his head.
All the bikers surrounding her stood just as paralyzed as her.
“Shut up!” one of them yelled.
A heavy hand landed on her cheek, knocking her into the side of the car. She held on to the roof with one hand, while her other went to her stinging cheek. She hadn’t even been aware she was screaming.
“Which one of you motherfuckers got trigger happy and shot Hyde?”
The bikers were eyeing each other mistrustingly when the sounds of more motorcycles could be heard coming closer.
“Get her in the fucking car!” the biker closest to her yelled.
Larissa gave a small scream of agony when someone used her hair to jerk her from the side of the car as a grungy biker opened the door.
Knowing it was going to be her last opportunity to escape, regardless of the pain, she took off running in the direction of the sounds of the motorcycles. She was only able to take a couple of running steps before one of the bikers stepped to the side and caught her.
Instead of carrying her back to the car, he turned with her in his arms when he heard the curse from one of his friends.
“Fuck, I knew we should have kept your ass behind, T-bone,” the man holding her snarled.
“I’m not afraid of those motherfuckers,” another biker scoffed as the motorcycles drew nearer.