Page 165 of Moon's Promise
After watching him for several minutes, Train must have decided it was safe to leave the equipment with him and went back to his own station.
As he worked, Moon didn’t join in with the conversations going on around him, his mind elsewhere.
It was only when Train tapped him on the shoulder that he realized Train had been trying to get his attention.
“Sorry, what did you say?”
Train gave him a speculative glance. “I asked if you were ready to get some lunch.”
“I’m good. I’m going to finish this cart and take off for the rest of the day.”
“Brother, I wouldn’t do whatever you’re planning.”
Not bothering to deny he had any plans, Moon continued weighing the packages.
He heard Train’s exasperated sigh as he walked out the factory door but didn’t change his mind. The bitch had sealed her fate when he landed on his ass in front of her. Who mops the floor at six in the morning? The bitch was trying to take him out.
Kendra had been making his life miserable since she had contrived to stay in Larissa’s house instead of with her other two daughters. He was smart enough to discern it wasn’t because she shared a closer relationship with Larissa, nor that it was because of the baby. No, there was more to it than that. He had a strong suspicion exactly what the bitch was up to.
Working through the lunch hour, he finished the mail cart before wheeling it into the back of the factory. He keyed his ID code into the keypad, and the two doors swung open for him to wheel the cart through, then they automatically swung closed after him.
After he pushed the cart next to the loading area to place it next to the other carts with filled orders, he walked to the sign-in sheet to mark the corresponding number on the cart, writing his initials as being the one who had wheeled the cart into the bay area.
He hung the clipboard back onto the wall, then gave Nickel, who was sitting in the security room, a casual wave as he walked back to the metal door. As he neared, the doors automatically swung open. However, he came to an abrupt stop as he stared at the door.
“I’ll be motherfucking …”
Striding back inside the factory, he went to the office. Razer looked up when he walked through the open door.
“I know you’re leaving.” Watching him from over the computer monitor, Razer let his irritation show. “I heard you tell Train. You could have asked me first—”
“Forget that.” Moon shut the door. “Call Viper and Shade.”
Moon waited until Viper and Shade texted him that they were waiting in the security room before he started making his way there. He keyed in his ID number, walked through the metal doors, and then Viper buzzed him through as he neared the security door.
Nickel, Viper, and Shade eyed him expectantly as he came through the doorway. Then Viper gave him a searching look as Moon motioned Nickel to give him the seat at the control monitor.
“You son of a bitch.” Viper grinned at him. “You figured it out, didn’t you?”
Giving Viper a gloating smile, Moon sat down at the keyboard, his fingers quickly pressing down on the keys to pull up the footage he wanted. “Oh yeah.”
Their gazes centered on the monitor as the video he wanted came up. He pressed Play, and the security footage started rolling. Two factory workers were loading the numbered mail carts into the freight truck.
“Watch and learn,” Moon instructed them.
Nickel stared at him quizzically. “What are we looking for?”
Moon stared at the screen intently, watching the two workers push the carts up the loading ramp. “Not what—who.”
Tired, Moon let himself into the house. All he wanted to do was grab something to eat, shower, and go to bed. However, he saw Kendra sitting at the dining room table, scrolling on her cell phone, while Larissa worked through what seemed to be a godawful amount of paperwork. There were several stacks of papers and two towers of books.
He placed a caressing hand on Larissa’s shoulder and started gently rubbing her bunched muscles. “Hey.” Bending down, he kissed the corner of her mouth, despite Kendra watching. “You look busy.”
When he caught the faint blush spreading across her cheeks, he figured it was because she felt uncomfortable with him kissing her in front of her mother.
“Hey.” She shut her laptop and gave him a relieved smile. “You worked late tonight.”