Page 208 of Moon's Promise
Gingerly, she stood up to pick up the last item on the bed—a pair of sheer black gloves that reached her forearms.
“Turn around.”
Following Killyama’s snapped command, she turned to check sight of herself in the dresser mirror.
Behind her, Killyama reached over her head to place a mask on the bridge of her nose. Tying the mask, she then took a quick perfunctory glance before pushing her toward the door.
“Let’s go.”
They barely made it through the front door before Killyama slammed it behind them. Larissa tried to keep up without falling.
“Thank you, Killyama. The dress is beautifu—”
“Don’t thank me; it’s T.A. That rich husband of hers bought it for her for some party they went to for his son. Make sure you give it back. The fucker notices when something is missing and won’t let us hang out there until we give it back. She has a pool in the backyard, so don’t fuck it up for us, or Sex Piston will kick your ass.”
“I’ll get it dry cleaned tomorrow and give it right back. Afterward, I’ll stop by your house to visit the baby and pick up my clothes.”
“The kids are staying the weekend with T.A. I’ll bag up your clothes and send them with Moon.”
“Oh … okay.”
As they neared the back door, her footsteps lagged behind.
“What in the fuck is the holdup?”
“I’m nervous,” she admitted.
Killyama recached for the doorknob. “Bitch.” She gave a long-suffering sigh. “Haven’t I had your back so far?”
“Yes …” She did look pretty amazing from the brief look she had caught of herself in the mirror.
“Didn’t I have your back when you told me Moon let another bitch ride on his bike?”
“Yes,” she admitted again.
“I’m not going to let anyone fuck with the woman who had my back when I brought my kid into the world. I got you. You good now?”
“Yes.” Larissa gave her a shaky nod.
“Then get your ass through the fucking door before I throw it inside,” Killyama snapped.
Not wanting to find out the hard way if she was bluffing, she went inside.
Two women behind the counter, making trays of food, watched them enter from behind their masks.
“Hey, Killyama.” Picking up a tray, one of the women, dressed in a tight red dress that had a gold zipper running down the length of it, skirted the counter to pass in front of them. “Forget your mask?”
“No.” Killyama reached out to pluck a grape off the tray, popping it into her mouth. “Just wanted to make sure you knew who’s kicking your ass if that zipper gets lowered around Train.” Pulling up the cowl at the bottom of her hoodie, she covered the bottom half of her face, leaving only her eyes and forehead exposed.
The other woman behind the counter laughed. “Watch it, Margarita. Killyama isn’t playing around.”
Margarita must have been irritated at being called out by the way she flounced out of the kitchen.
Easily recognizing Winter’s voice, Larissa took the opportunity to admire her costume. While the other woman was dressed completely in red, Winter was dressed in black and white. Her top was a frilly blouse that fell off her shoulders, and as Winter came around the counter, carrying the other tray, Larissa realized the bottom wasn’t a skirt but puffy pants. The hat she was wearing was flat, as well as the brim.
Taking in her appearance, along with the mask she was wearing, Larissa gave her an appreciative smile. “Zorro.”
Winter smiled back. “You’re the first one tonight to get it, unless Viper is standing next to me, Larissa.”