Page 23 of Moon's Promise
“If you’re doing your lingerie, don’t forget the pair you left in my room. I left them on the hamper.”
Bent over the basket, Echo turned her head to look at him with a frown.
“If you had turned the light on like I asked, you might have found them before sneaking back to Puck.”
Echo straightened, her face filled with confusion. “What in the fuck are you talking about?”
He had never been a person to beat around the bush when he was irritated, and the fugitive way Echo had acted last night irritated the hell out of him. “Since when do you have the need to sneak around to fuck me? Do you and Puck have something going and—”
“Moon, I have no idea what in the hell you’re talking about. Why would I sneak around to fuck you? There’s nothing more going on between Puck and me than any other brother in the club I have sex with.” As she straightened from the basket, her expression turned uneasy, as if he had a screw loose. “The last time we had sex was two weeks ago, after the football game. We were upstairs in the TV room. Nickel, Jesus, and Puck were right there, watching. How in the hell is that sneaking?”
Moon brought his arm back down. Was she shitting him? What mindfuck was she trying to play? “You’re going to pretend you didn’t come into my room last night and we didn’t fuck?”
Echo’s hands went to her hips. “There’s no pretending. I didn’t take one step inside your room last night. I didn’t leave Puck’s room all night, other than to go the bathroom a couple of times, and I didn’t take a detour into your room. If I did, I wouldn’t have to lie about it.” Bending back down, she grabbed the rest of her clothes and shoved them into the washer. “I love it. You must have been so fucked you don’t know who you fucked. I guess you can’t tell us apart as long you get what you need.”
Moon winced when she slammed the lid down on the washer.
“You lame-ass prick,” she snarled. “You having trouble telling who’s who? Try opening your fucking eyes!” As she sharply turned the dial on the washer, Moon heard Echo mutter under her breath, “Unbelievable.” Then, turning back to stare at him from across the room, it was plain Echo was debating hitting him. Storming toward the stairs instead, Echo curled her lips in disgust.
Moon mentally prepared himself for what Echo would say next. Whatever it was wasn’t going to be good. Echo was the most laidback of the women members. That he had made her so angry showed how much he had fucked up.
“You pull this shit on Ember, she’ll rip your balls off. Not that you’ve noticed, you arrogant prick, but I don’t wear underwear. And guess what?”
He was almost afraid to ask. “What?”
“Ember doesn’t wear anything but thongs.”
“Sorry. Let me make it up to you. I’ll—”
“Forget it, Moon. I don’t need you to make a damn thing up to me.”
He felt like a gigantic ass when he saw the sheen of tears in Echo’s eyes.
“Instead, I should be thanking you. You just showed me how low we women are in your estimation. Do the other brothers think that way?”
“Echo, I fucked up, okay? Don’t bring the other brothers into this.”
“Why not? I want to know. Do the brothers in Ohio think like this, too, or just the brothers here?”
Rubbing his fingers across his forehead, he tried to think of something to ease Echo’s hurt. “I’m the only moron in both clubs. Okay? Wizard and Viper would say the same thing. Just let me … make it up to you. I saw an Ulta magazine sitting on the table in the kitchen; you go pick anything you want, and I’ll buy it,” he promised.
Moon recognized the glint entering her eyes.
“Anything,” he confirmed through clenched teeth.
“I don’t know if I could enjoy it if the other women can’t pick out what they want, too.”
Well, that was no subtle hint.
“Give them the magazine, too. Tell them each to pick out five things they want, and I’ll make sure they get it.”
“I want them to have everything they want.” Echo knew she had him over a barrel.
“You’re missing the point of me letting you have everything you want. I want to show you that you’re special.”