Page 29 of Moon's Promise
Priscilla sighed, losing steam at Lana’s unhappy expression. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have gone off.” She shot each of them an apologetic glance. “It’s just … he’s such a … dog.”
Larissa couldn’t help but smile. “A second ago, he was an alley cat. Why don’t you tell us what he did, so we can cast our vote?”
“Ugh…” Priscilla grimaced. “You know I was meeting Killyama and Train at five thirty?”
Larissa nodded. “I should. I’m the one who scheduled it for you.” With her foot being in a cast, she was confined to the office until the weather turned warmer so she wouldn’t have to fear another tumble.
“Train was late, and the later he was, the angrier Killyama got. I offered to leave and reschedule their appointment. She wasn’t happy with that option at all.” Priscilla rolled her eyes. “Instead, she looked at the consultation sheet, which is what we would have done if Train had been there. Killyama suggested she show me around their house, if they decide to go ahead with a home birth, that since you’re out of commission for the next four weeks, I could give insights if they decided to have a water birth.”
Larissa frowned. “I know she was going back and forth about whether she wanted a midwife or a doula, but she never mentioned a water birth. We would have gone over that during the consultation, of course. But she should have waited for Train. Many fathers’ doubts need to be addressed.”
“I told her; she wasn’t listening. So, you know Killyama is going to be a nightmare to work with.” Priscilla gave the air another karate chop. “She’s going to be worse than Roxanne.”
“Ouch.” Lana winched. “That bad?”
“Worse.” Priscilla scowled. “She wouldn’t stop asking about the water birth, so I gave in and told her that you have to set up a birthing pool at their home before the delivery due date. Boy, was that a big mistake … she said there was a whirlpool at The Last Riders’ clubhouse and she could use that. I told her you would have to take a look at it and give your opinion. That’s when she was determined for me to check it out, that if it wouldn’t work, there would be no need for you to come out. During all this, she’s texting Train, and I could tell she’s about to blow a fuse.” Priscilla’s shoulders slumped. “I gave in, which was an even bigger mistake.”
“You went to the clubhouse?” Lana prompted.
“Oh, yes … there was no stopping Killyama. We went in through in the back door.” Priscilla’s face went deadpan, and she shook her head. “It was like walking into a porn scene. I actually looked around for the cameras.”
Larissa made a conscious effort not to gape like Lana was, biting her bottom lip to keep her jaw closed. “You’re joking?”
Priscilla kept shaking her head. “I wish I were. I kid you not, Moon was having sex on a couch with a woman, and another naked woman was watching them. I think it was a threesome.”
She would have laughed at Priscilla’s scandalous tone, but the sick feeling in her stomach told her it was no laughing matter.
“And let me tell you something else … neither of you stood a chance with Moon. The woman looked like she was a pin-up model. She even had staples in her and everything.”
Lana frowned. “You mean, like medical stitches?”
“No, like they went through her nipples, and one was dangling from her bellybutton.”
“You mean piercings?”
“Whatever.” She nodded. “The women were gorgeous. I don’t want to hurt your feelings, but neither of you would stand a chance of getting that man’s attention. Not with those centerfolds as competition.”
Larissa was tempted to throw her book at Priscilla.
“Moon would have been lucky to have gotten Lana.”
Her older sister sent her a shaky smile.
“Then why did you steal him away from her?” Priscilla asked.
The book went flying. “I did not steal that jerk away from Lana! I didn’t know who he was!”
Priscilla caught the book and set it down safely on the coffee table. “Whatever. I was just saying neither one of you should be feeling bad. He’s obviously a hound dog, and since neither of you are into threesomes …” Priscilla raised a curious brow.
Larissa narrowed her eyes on her baby sister, who was getting on her last nerve.
“What do you think?” Lana snapped.
“I don’t know … I wouldn’t have a one-night stand, either …”
Larissa reached for her crutches.
“Behave, Priss,” Lana reprimanded their sister.