Page 52 of Moon's Promise
Sure the men from the house were there and were about to release a spray of bullets, she placed a hand on his forearm. “Would you like me to say a prayer for you?”
“No need. The answer to my prayers just arrived.”
“Holy shit!”
Taking one glance at what was going on, Moon hunkered down as he ran toward the thick trees. Hopefully, the people who had Knox and the midwife pinned down hadn’t noticed him on the crest of the hill.
He took out his gun, cocked it as he made his way in the direction of Knox’s vehicle, then called Viper.
“How bad is it?”
“You already know?” Moon asked, making sure to keep his voice whisper soft.
“Knox pushed the panic button.” Then Viper asked, “Which level?”
“Red. Seven. Knox is next to his vehicle with the midwife. SUVs a foot before crest. Split right, left.” With that, Moon disconnected the call and silenced his phone.
Stealthily making his way forward, he heard the sound of gunfire. He maintained his focus and kept a steady pace as he moved through the trees, carefully trying to step over limbs and looking for trip wire. With the firepower being leveled at Knox, he wouldn’t be surprised if they had them.
The break of gunfire felt deafening in the woods.
Looking around the tree he was hiding behind, he saw Knox and the woman behind the door of the Bronco.
Moon pulled his head back. How was he not surprised that woman had managed to be there? She was clearly becoming the bane of his existence.
Looking around, he found two men cautiously maneuvering themselves closer to Knox through the trees. Seeing one already dead by the bumper, Moon’s eyes went to the other left side of the road. There were two in the woods and another making his way across the opposite side of the Bronco.
Slightly moving where Knox could see him while the two closest to him couldn’t, he signaled him with a sweeping hand movement, pointing toward him then two pointing to the right then himself.
Waiting for Knox’s nod, Moon raised three fingers, dropping them one by one. At the end, he pointed his gun at the two closest to him, taking them out before they could shoot a single bullet.
He quickly glanced back at Knox. He was lying on the ground then rose up after shooting the man on the other side.
Taking out his cell phone, he saw the brothers were close.
He put his cell phone away again, then unzipped a pocket on the sleeve of his jacket and pulled out a red bandana to tie it around his skull.
The bandana might be easily seen by their opponent, but it was worth taking the chance. Anything without a bandana would be neutralized without a second hesitation.
Knox signaled Moon to hold, and Moon repeated the signal to Reaper and Viper, who were now on the other side of the road. Rider, Train, and Cash were already spreading around the area he was in.
“You still there, Tanner?” Knox yelled out.
There was no reply.
“Tanner’s woman, can you hear me?”
“I’m not his woman!” the woman shouted from inside the house.
“Is Tanner the one who calls the shots?”
“He was. He’s the one you killed.”
“Who’s next in line?”
“Benie,” the woman answered.