Page 72 of Moon's Promise
Priss’ cell phone ringing had her lifting it from the desk.
“Hi. Are you ready for me to bring your lunch?” Priss’ mouth snapped closed. Then she laid the cell phone back on her desk, and Lana’s voice came over the speakerphone.
“I won’t have time to eat it. The emergency room is full. There was a huge fight. I’ll be lucky to get off by midnight. I’ll grab something from the cafeteria. Moon’s here with a dislocated shoulder and cracked ribs. He looks like he’s been put through a meat grinder. We had to call in extra security. They’re still trying to kill him.”
Larissa and Priss stared at each other as Lana filled them in, unaware that Larissa had seen it firsthand.
“What started the fight?”
“From the little I’ve heard, he hit Ginny. He must have done something to Lily and Killyama, too, because their husbands are the ones I had to call security on. Anyway, I just don’t want you wasting your time bringing me lunch. Bye.”
After the call ended, they sat in silence, taking in what Lana had told them.
Priss’ expression became determined. “Run.”
Moon heard Viper finally getting the brothers to calm down, or the doc had given them something to slow their roll. Knox had placed him in a curtained-off room next to the door in case he and his deputies needed to get him out quickly. He had shuffled him into this room to hide him from the others when he returned from getting X-rays. The brothers still thought he was at the other end of the emergency department.
Adjusting the strap of his sling higher on his shoulder, he heard the sliding door of the emergency room open where the ambulance used to transport patients.
“Viper,” he heard Winter say right outside his curtain.
“What are you doing here?” Viper’s voice became clear, as he must have walked closer.
“Killyama called me. She said you were in a fight?”
“I wasn’t fighting. These idiots were. Moon set them off. He’s out as soon I can have a church meeting.” Viper showed he meant business this time.
“For heaven’s sake, what did he do?”
“He hit Ginny. He swears it was an accident. Ginny does, too. Ginny said she asked Moon to buy a watch for her for Reaper’s birthday, and then he wouldn’t give it to her unless she told him some information about the night when you and the girls hung out at the club. The fucker has lost what common sense he had over whoever it was,” Viper finished grimly.
Moon had to agree he had lost his mind over a woman whose identity still remained unknown. And thanks to the fist-fest he had caused, he might never find out.
“This is all my fault.”
Moon’s heartbeat quickened at how stricken Winter sounded.
“How in the fuck is this your fault?” Viper asked.
“You can’t throw Moon out when he wouldn’t have been put in this position if I hadn’t broken the rules.”
“What did you do?”
“I invited more people back to the club that night than I told you about,” Winter confessed in such a low voice that Moon could barely hear her. “I sneaked them in when Nickel wasn’t looking. I’m so sorry. I’ll take any punishment the club gives me … We were just having a good time—”
“You know who went into Moon’s room?” Viper cut her off.
“There was only one person who went upstairs. I showed her to the restroom, and I waited outside. But then Killyama, Sex Piston, T.A., and Fat Louise turned over the bar, so I left to see what happened. When I went back upstairs after she still hadn’t come back downstairs, she was still in the bathroom. She said she had been sick.”
“Who was she?”
“She’s going to call Moon,” Winter hesitated. “I talked to her. She’s nervous about telling him.”
Moon held his breath, praying none of the nurses or the doctor came back before he could find out.
“Winter”—Viper’s voice turned harsh—“who was she?”