Page 74 of Moon's Promise
“That is it.” Viper turned forward again. “You’re not going to listen. You’re going to go in there and destroy any chance you have, just like you always do. Moon, you’re the only one responsible for not having the happy ever after you’ve been searching for. You think you don’t deserve it because of your brother and sister.”
Moon thrust open the door. “I’ll walk.”
“Suit yourself. I’ll text you when I’m back outside,” Viper said imperturbably.
As he walked away from the vehicle, his anger mounted with each step. Viper was right about one thing. He didn’t stand a snowball’s chance in hell of the woman wanting a repeat performance. Not after she had seen him the night she came to the club with Killyama. If she had seen him there just watching television, would she have told him? Did she even know he was the one she had fucked?
Moon came to a full stop, wishing he had asked Winter that question before storming off. He took a deep breath then wished he hadn’t when fire streaked through him. The pain nearly blinded him.
Seeing the building in front of him when he cleared his eyes gave him renewed vigor. It didn’t matter that he hadn’t asked Winter; he was going to ask the woman his own damn self.
They were still going over the pros and cons about the wisest course of action when Priss’ phone rang again.
“You forget something?” Priss answered on speakerphone.
“Get out! Moon is on his way there. He knows!” Lana screamed through the speaker.
They both jumped out of their chairs, and Priss didn’t waste time ending the call.
“I’ll get my purse.” Larissa ran toward the door as Priss grabbed hers.
“I’ll lock the front door. We can sneak out the back.”
Larissa looked at Priss and saw the frightened expression on her face then realized she was shaking.
“It’s going to be okay.” Larissa didn’t know who she was trying to reassure—Priss or herself. “You go ahead. I’ll stay and talk to him—”
Priss pushed her through the door. “You are not going to stay here to deal with that maniac.”
As they were rushing through Priss’ doorway, Larissa knew Priss wouldn’t leave her to deal with Moon alone.
“I’ll get my purse.”
She had just made it to her door when the main office door opened, and Moon walked through. Terrified, they both froze in place.
“Can I help you?” Priss asked unsteadily, trying to play it off.
Moon’s eyes narrowed on Priss.
Feeling as if her knees were going to give out from under her, Larissa watched as Moon strode toward Priss. Then her breath stopped in her chest when Moon’s hand came out and he bent down to kiss Priss, who didn’t fight him, standing still as Moon kissed her. The kiss ended almost as soon as it had started. Then Moon lifted his head to stare down at her. “You’re not the one I fucked.”
Shifting, he turned to face her, his infuriated expression changing to fury. “Oh… hell no.”
Larissa barely managed to swallow the fear down that had her threatening to break into tears as he started advancing on her.
“Let me explain …” she began.
Moon covered her mouth with his, sweeping his tongue inside, replaying the night she had gone inside his room. Stiffly, she kept her arms down, trying not to push him away, sensing any movement would send a tidal wave of fury crashing over her head.
“Leave her alone!” Priss’ yell had Moon lifting his mouth.
Realizing he had backed her against the outer wall of her office, she tried to slide to the side to escape and go inside to give herself more breathing room.
Moon’s fist hit the wall next to her head, preventing her escape, and his body effectively blocked her from sliding the other way, leaving her no choice but to stare up at him warily.
“I swear I didn’t mean for anything to happen,” she tried to explain again.