Page 89 of Moon's Promise
“Nothing. I still have it. I told Ginny I’d keep it in case she wants to exchange it for the IOU I gave her.”
Reaper’s gaze sharpened. “You gave her an IOU?”
“Did you offer it, or did she ask?”
“I told her I’d buy any watch or something else. Ginny said I could give her the IOU while she decided, so I did.”
The unapproachable way Reaper regarded him eased. Moon reasoned out it must be the IOU. Reaper must have taken it as a sign he wanted to make amends to Ginny, which he did want to do.
“You want one, too?”
“I think you’re going to have your hands full paying Ginny’s back without adding mine.”
Moon exhaled. “Then we’re good?”
“No, but I’m not planning on burying you in an unmarked grave anymore, either.”
“Hell, that’s progress.” Moon grinned, moving so Reaper could get by.
The other brothers who had hung around to listen started dissipating, leaving him alone with Viper.
Viper waited until the last of the brothers left before he started talking. “Stud wants you to stay out of Jamestown.”
“Larissa is under the Destructors’ protection.”
Viper didn’t mince his words. “I’m not going to intercede with Stud. You’re on your own there.”
“You’re not going to order me to stay away?”
“No, she’s carrying your kid.” He turned off the lamp on the work desk he was near. “Do what you feel you need to do, but you’re going to do that regardless.”
Moon gazed at him suspiciously. “Why are you looking at me like that?”
Viper’s lips curled mockingly. “Brother, I’m done giving you unsolicited advice. It goes in one ear and out the other. Besides, it would be useless. You have fucked yourself over so bad with that woman she hates your guts.”
“Ask me if I care,” Moon snapped out through clenched teeth.
“Why ask when it’s pretty evident you don’t?” Viper’s hand went to his shoulder as he rolled it tiredly. “You don’t care for her or the kid,” he stated matter-of-factly.
Moon’s head reared back as if he had been struck. “I didn’t mean that I don’t care about my kid!” His voice rose incredulously.
“You need to be real with yourself.” Viper stared at him mockingly. “Put yourself in her place. You aren’t coming across as father-of-the-year material. What in the fuck were you thinking to start a fight with one of Stud’s men in the restaurant?”
“I wasn’t the one who started it. I wanted her to—”
“Jesus.” Viper snapped his mouth closed. “Listen, I said I wasn’t going to do this, and I’m not. Good luck getting past the Destructors.” He turned to the side to switch out another lamp then walked into the office.
“I can handle the Destructors.” Moon raised his voice so Viper could hear him.
Mocking laughter sounded from the office.
Moon saw the lights go off before Viper came back out.
“They aren’t The Last Riders. Stud and his men won’t have any loyalty toward you. You fuck with someone under their protection, they are going to come at you hard. That’s why Stud called me—to give me the heads-up.” The mockery in his expression died. “I owe him too much to pit the club against him, and I’ll tell you straight up—I won’t. He rode with me for months to catch Raul. I owe Killyama for saving Winter’s and Aisha’s life, which I won’t ever be able to repay—ever. Same goes with the Blue Horseman. You know what Calder did for Reaper. I can’t repay that, either.”
Moon stared at him, deadpan, not speaking the words he wanted to say. He didn’t have to; Viper knew what he was thinking.