Page 45 of Tangled Roses
I am sitting beside her on the couch in my office and she is finally calming down and as my hand rests across her shoulder she sniffs, “It hurts so much.”
“The truth has a habit of doing that. Sometimes it’s best not knowing.”
“I’m glad I know.” She turns to stare up at me and says softly, “This morning I hated you. I probably still do, but thank you for being here.”
I swear my heart jumps as her tear streaked eyes stare into mine and I hate that I stroke her face and whisper, “I want to be here for you, Ellie.”
“No, you don’t.” She shakes her head and laughs softly. “You want me to be here for you. Remember.”
It makes me laugh.
“The job still stands along with the rules, but you must forgive me if I want to break them a few times.”
“Break them?” Her eyes are red with tears and any remaining make-up has long since streaked down her face. She is like a tragic masterpiece. A thing of great beauty and I could stare at her all day long.
I sigh and tug her down with me, her head resting on my chest and I say huskily, “I can’t have you in the way I want to, Ellie. The job was to keep you here, and I’m struggling with my decision.”
She sounds fearful and I reply gruffly, “Because I don’t have room in my life for emotion. It’s always been business and always will be, and I can’t have any distractions from that.”
“Bullshit.” She sounds so fierce it makes me smile.
“Many men have relationships and still make it to the office each day. I think you’re scared, Arman.”
I shrug. “You’re probably right.”
She stares into my eyes and touches my face lightly with her finger. “Why won’t you let me in?”
“Because I don’t want you there.”
I am cruel for a reason and hate the light that dims in her eyes and she nods, sitting up and saying with a sigh. “I should get back to work. Whatever that is.”
She stands and I hate the cold air between us and yet I fix my inner bastard back in charge and say gruffly, “We will return to the penthouse. Your job is finished for the day.”
For a moment, she stares at me with a thoughtful expression and then shrugs. “It’s your money.”
She turns away and something about the set to her shoulders and the way she stands proudly causes my heart to sink. She is forming a barrier between us and I’m the one who gifted her the bricks.
Unlike earlier, I direct her to my usual car and yet she still says nothing. Merely sits gazing out of the window at the passing scenery and I wonder what is flashing through her mind as we eat up the distance.
When we return to the penthouse, she exits the car and waits for instruction, but she won’t meet my gaze. I should be happy about that, relieved even, but I’m not. I don’t like her distance. I like it when she smiles at me and even her anger is preferable to this.
“We should eat.” I say, knowing it’s another desperate ploy to keep her with me. What I really need to do is check my emails and schedule because I’m certain I had endless meetings set up this afternoon. My morning schedule was cleared to allow the meeting with Marsha.
Ellie sighs and something about the tone of her voice sends a prickle of alarm down my back.
“Yes, Ellie.”
“If you don’t mind, I’ll skip lunch. You say I’m done for the day, so I would really like to see my living accommodation and grab some time alone. If you don’t mind, that is.”
Again, she won’t meet my eye and I know I am responsible for this. She is right to set the boundaries in place, and I should respect that.
“Of course. I’ll show you to your room.”
She nods and follows me as I head to the guest floor, and I am already regretting my earlier decision. I accept it’s for the best, but why does it feel as if it’s not the best thing for me?