Page 9 of Tangled Roses
I wasn’t expecting that. I wasn’t expecting her because Gabrielle Adams has done the unthinkable. She has commanded my attention, and she is the first woman I’ve met who has made me look twice.
His name is Arman Romanov, and he is magnificent. It struck me as soon as I entered the room because even before he spoke I sensed the power inside him. Luka was intimidating, but his boss, as he called him, is something else entirely.
If he had been sitting on a golden throne, I wouldn’t have been surprised because there is something so powerful, regal even about the man sitting watching me with no expression at all.
Despite what he told me, I couldn’t concentrate past his deep husky voice and glittering dark eyes. His hair is cut short, and he has the air of a distinguished, important business man.
He is wearing a black suit with a dark gray silk shirt, unfastened enough to reveal a glimpse of his muscled chest with a smattering of dark hair, and his voice is so sexy it mesmerizes me.
Even the word assassin didn’t distract me from my admiration, and yet when he mentioned my mother, I felt nothing at all. Why would I? She’s a stranger to me and my late grandmother, and I have no wish to change that.
He stands and, for some reason, appears angry and I note the lines around his eyes that tells of many sleepless nights. I’m guessing that has a lot to do with his father’s passing and I can’t imagine what he must be going through right now.
My grandmother died of old age even though cancer finished her off before her Alzheimer’s did more damage. It was a welcome end for a proud woman who would have hated ended up in care, wheeled out for visitors and not knowing who I was.
I mourn her passing but am grateful for it. Arman appears to be suffering his loss and I feel so much sympathy for him.
He fixes me with a dark stare that I return with a curious one and then he says crisply, “I must go. Luka will inform you of any changes. If you need anything, he is the man to make it happen. Good evening, Gabrielle.”
He makes to go and I say quickly, “You’re leaving.”
Fuck. Why did that sound so stupid? Of course he’s leaving.
He turns slowly and smirks. “Isn’t it obvious?”
“Of course, well–”
I have no words because I should be happy about that, but for some reason it’s good to have company, no matter how freaking scary it is.
He shrugs and turns, completely ignoring my outburst and as he leaves the room, I release the breath I was holding.
Why do I miss him already?
Now I’m alone his words settle around me like a red flag.
Somebody wants to kill me.
I should be very afraid right now. Terrified even, and yet all I can wonder is why? I’ve done nothing. I’m of no use to anyone, clearly. The only use for me is working for that woman my creepy boss sent me to. Now I’m locked in a white prison with no answers and a million questions.
With a deep sigh, I make to stand, but the door opens and Luka strides through it with the usual arrogance he appears addicted to wearing.
He is obviously a man of few words and as I follow him, his deep voice rattles off instructions.
“You may use this house as a base and everything in it.”
He leads me into a huge kitchen, white of course, that sparkles as if it has been freshly fitted.
“The refrigerator is stocked along with the cupboards. You will prepare your own meals and clear up after yourself. Cleanliness is the most important factor in that. Mr. Romanov expects a certain standard at all times.”
“But he won’t be here.” I answer back and he raises his dark eyes.
“Whether he is here or not, you will follow his rules.”