Page 137 of Redemption
“That looks so pretty with your dress,” Emerson said, giving Brooklyn’s shoulder a squeeze.
Brooklyn smiled up at her with a look of such adoration and love, it stole my breath. I was so happy for Brooklyn, for all of them. I knew how badly Brooklyn had always wanted a mom, and now she had an amazing one in Emerson.
“Before all the guests arrive, I have some exciting news. At least, I think it’s exciting,” I said, hoping it would be well received. I figured now—before the party had started and when it was just the three of us—was as good a time as any to tell Brooklyn about Jackson and me.
“What’s that?” Brooklyn asked.
I took a deep breath and smiled. “Jackson and I are dating, and he’s moving with me to London.”
Brooklyn’s eyes went wide. “You and Jackson, as in my Jackson?” She glanced to Emerson for confirmation. “Our bodyguard?”
Emerson grinned. “One and the same.”
Brooklyn squealed. “Best. News. Ever!” Each word was spoken by Brooklyn with increasing volume and intensity.
I laughed. “Thanks.”
After that, the guests started arriving. The party was small and intimate, and it was filled with so much love and support. A few of the wives and girlfriends of the LA Leatherbacks players even attended.
As much fun as I was having, I couldn’t wait to return to Jackson. I’d texted him a few times, but they’d gone unanswered. So finally, I’d caved and messaged my brothers in the group chat.
Me: I hope you’re being nice to Jackson.
Nate: When have we ever not been nice?
Jasper: Right? Who does she think we are?
Me: I think I’m justified in being nervous after how you treated pretty much every other guy I’ve dated.
Graham: They were all dicks, especially Edward.
I didn’t disagree. And his sister was certainly a piece of work. Though I no longer had to worry about her. Earlier today, Halle had texted me an article about the fall of the Burton Banking giant.
Edward and Amelia had both been arrested for fraud and embezzlement and a number of other crimes. I secretly wondered if Graham was behind the “insider leak” that had led to their arrest, but I didn’t ask. It was probably best that I didn’t know.
Knox: Most of the others were too.
Nate: Seconded.
I rolled my eyes, tempted to ignore my phone at this point. I was getting nowhere with these jokers.
Jasper: Thirded. Is that a word? Thirded. Regardless, Edward has been voted off the island.
Me: That’s not how this works. And Jackson better not get voted off the island because he’s staying.
Jasper: Ooh. Possessive. Defensive. She must really like him.
I considered responding but decided to focus on my goal. Rescuing Jackson from my brothers.
Me: I’m heading back from the shower soon. Jackson better be at the hotel when I get there.
Nate: Ooh. Scary.
Jasper: Right?
Jasper: I can imagine her wagging her finger.
Me: Nate. Knox. You do remember that I’m in the same room with your fiancées, right? Do I need to tell them all your embarrassing stories?