Page 144 of Redemption
“Nice,” I said.
“And…we need to get ready,” she said, after a quick glance at her phone.
“For what?”
She grinned, pushing me toward the bedroom. “We’re going out for your last night as a single ladyyyy.”
“Uh-oh. Should I be scared?” I was joking. Sort of.
“Nah.” She grinned, but it was full of mischief.
The rest of the day was a whirlwind of champagne and presents and friends and so much fun. We went out on Knox’s yacht for my combined bridal shower and bachelorette party. Kendall, Emerson, Greer, and Belinda had spoiled me, and I’d never felt more surrounded by love and support.
Kendall’s present was a gorgeous navy silk robe with “Bride” embroidered on it in white. Emerson had given me some incredible lingerie, which had prompted a comment from Greer that she didn’t want to think about the fact that her brother was the groom. Belinda’s quip had been that maybe Greer’s kids would finally get some cousins. Everyone laughed.
I loved the tote bag with “Honeymoon Vibes” on it from Greer. She’d filled it with fun snacks and all sorts of things. And I was touched by Belinda’s gift. A silver plate that had belonged to Jackson’s grandmother with “Shaw” engraved into it.
I didn’t ask Greer about Logan; I was too afraid to. And she didn’t mention him. But she seemed to be enjoying herself.
Before I realized it, it was time to go to bed. Belinda and the kids were staying at Nate’s, and Greer was at the suite with me. I kept pausing when I’d catch sight of myself in the mirror. It wasn’t just the engagement ring that was different. It was me. I was so happy. So full of joy.
My phone chimed with an incoming text.
Jackson: Sweet dreams, fiancée. Can’t wait to see you tomorrow.
Me: Me either. I love you.
Jackson: I love you, hayati.
I flopped back on the bed with a huge smile. I had no idea what to expect for the venue, the flowers, anything, but I didn’t care. I was marrying Jackson, and I was practically giddy. Just the idea of walking down the aisle to him was a dream come true. The rest of it, the details, didn’t matter. The only thing that mattered was him.
I knocked on Greer’s door early the next morning. “I hope that’s coffee,” she called.
I laughed and flung open the door before running and diving onto her bed. “I’m getting married today!”
She rolled onto her back. “Not at all excited, are you?”
“Not at all,” I deadpanned. And then we burst out laughing.
We ordered room service, and Greer checked in with her mom and the kids. I was looking forward to having the day alone with my best friend to get ready for my wedding.
Shortly after breakfast, there was a knock at the door. I hopped up and went to answer it, finding Knox.
“Hey.” I smiled, leaning against the doorframe. “What are you doing here?”
“Came to deliver your dress.” He held up a large garment bag. “May I come in?”
“Sure.” I stepped aside for him to enter. “Thanks.”
He greeted Greer before she went to shower. He hung the garment bag then leaned his hip against the kitchen counter. “So…how are you feeling?”
“I’m good. Actually, better than good. I didn’t think this day would ever come, and now I’m marrying the love of my life.” My cheeks ached from smiling. “Thanks for bringing the dress.”
“You’re welcome. It’s my gift to you on your wedding day. Your dress, shoes, veil, everything. It’s your ‘something new.’”
I held a hand to my chest. “Knox, that’s…” I fanned my face to hold back my tears. “I’m going to cry. Thank you.” I hugged him.
“I’m glad you and Jackson found your way back to each other. He’s a good man.”