Page 148 of Redemption
Later, after the dinner and the dancing and the goodbyes, Sloan and I boarded Knox’s yacht. I’d been on it a few times as Nate’s bodyguard, never as a guest. I was still getting used to the fact that this was my life now. That I was married to a billionaire. It was…strange at times, but Sloan’s money was the least interesting thing about her.
Sloan had removed her veil after the ceremony, but we’d stayed in our wedding attire. The crew welcomed us and opened a bottle of champagne before making themselves scarce. We were going to sail to Catalina Island, but I didn’t care about our destination so long as Sloan and I were together.
I handed Sloan a glass of champagne. I lifted mine to hers. “To us.”
She smiled. “To us.”
We sank down on the outdoor sofa, and I wrapped my arm around Sloan. “This is gorgeous,” I said, admiring the view. “Though I prefer the Athena.”
“So do I.” She grinned. “But it’s nice to be pampered for our honeymoon.”
I leaned in, grazing the shell of her ear with my teeth. “Oh, I’ll pamper you on our honeymoon.”
“Mm,” she hummed. “And how do you intend to do that, Mr. Shaw?”
“Actually,” I said, “It’s Mr. Mackenzie-Shaw.”
“Is it now?” She bit back a grin.
I lifted a shoulder. “Just an idea. I thought it might be nice to have the same last name, but I wanted it to be something that reflected both of us.”
“I like that,” she said, placing her hand on my thigh. My cock thickened. “Shaw-Mackenzie. It has a nice ring to it.”
“It does. Plus, when we have kids, then we’ll all have the same name.”
“We just got married, and you’re already talking about kids?” she joked.
“I’m not in any rush. But I have to admit, the idea of seeing you carrying my child brings me to my knees.”
“Such a caveman,” she teased.
She had no idea. Claiming her as my wife had definitely brought out my inner caveman. I could only imagine how a pregnancy would affect me. My cock twitched just thinking about it. But even if it didn’t happen, I would still be happy. We were more than enough. We were a family.
I smiled down at her left hand and the ring that now sat on her finger. “Seeing my ring on your finger is hot.”
“Oh, I get that.” She lifted my left hand. “This ring, plus the uniform, is…” She swallowed. “So hot.”
“Did you bring my favorite swimsuit?” I nipped her ear. “The white one.”
She smirked. “I might have. Are you suggesting a swim?”
“Maybe tomorrow. Shall we go to bed, wife?”
Sloan nodded, and I stood and offered her my hand. I stepped back, once again admiring how beautiful she was. How mine.
“You’re not going to tear this dress off me, are you?” she joked.
“Not until we’re safely in our cabin.”
“Another reason why the Athena is better,” Sloan said, leaning into me as we proceeded to go inside. “No staff.”
“I thought you wanted the staff to pamper us,” I teased.
“And I thought you offered to pamper me.” She elbowed my side.
I chuckled and opened the door to the stateroom. It was definitely a lot nicer than our accommodations on the Athena. Higher ceilings. Bigger bed. Hell, there was even a balcony.
Sloan laughed, and when I looked at her, she was watching me with her hands in her pockets. “This is fun.”