Page 79 of Redemption
He pressed his thumb against my clit, and I gasped.
“My name.” He plunged a finger inside me, and my body clenched down as if to hold him in place. “That you screamed. My come.” He worked me, his touch rough as his forehead kissed mine. His eyes intent on mine, watching me. Checking in with me. “On your ass this morning.”
I drew in a sharp breath, both from the way he was touching me and his words. From the fact that we might get caught.
“I was your first,” Jackson said, jerking me even closer. “And I will be your last. Your everything. Because that’s what you are to me.”
I gasped. His…what?
Oh shit. He hit that spot that made me lose all reason, and I couldn’t think of anything else.
“That’s it, hayati,” he said in my ear, his voice low, commanding. “Come for me, beautiful. Only me.”
My knees felt weak, and my body took over as my pleasure overrode everything else. Until all I could feel, all I could see, was Jackson.
He was still there, holding me, as I floated back down to earth. As the impact of his words sank in.
I will be your last.
Your everything.
Because that’s what you are to me.
He smoothed my hair away from my face, cupping my cheeks. “I love you, Sloan.” His voice was clogged with emotion, and he regarded me with a watery smile. “I never stopped.”
I swallowed hard, trying to wrap my head around what he was saying. Was this a dream? Was this real life?
He took my hand in his and placed them both over his heart. “I know I fucked up in the past, but I’m ready to fight for us.”
I… Wow. I hadn’t been prepared for that. I hadn’t been prepared for any of this. As always, Jackson had blindsided me.
I’d longed to hear those words from him, but… I needed more time. The sex was great—that had never been the issue—but it couldn’t magically fix my broken trust. Jackson wanted a future together, but I was still haunted by our past.
We’d lied to each other once. And while we’d both grown and changed since then, I worried we were moving too fast. At least, that was what my head argued. My heart said this was long overdue. Was how it was always meant to be.
“Jackson, I?—”
Perhaps sensing my hesitation or fearing my rejection, Jackson said, “You don’t have to say anything now.” He smiled. “I just…needed you to know.” He gave my hand a squeeze before releasing me.
I straightened my dress and smoothed a hand over my hair. I was pretty sure it wouldn’t matter what I did; I was a mess. Physically. Emotionally.
Edward’s proposal had had little effect on me. But Jackson’s declaration… It had taken my breath away.
Istudied Edward as he sat on the patio, facing away from the villa. What was he up to?
Sloan was still trying to find alternate accommodations for him, so I’d been keeping an eye on him from the kitchen. I couldn’t believe he’d proposed. The seconds I’d spent waiting for Sloan’s response had felt like hours. And then she’d turned him down, despite the fact that he had everything—money, connections, hell, even a title. She’d still said no. Thank fuck.
Why? Because she didn’t love him? Had she ever loved him?
I paced back and forth across the kitchen floor like a caged tiger. I hated feeling like this, so out of control.
Did she love me? Did her reaction to seeing Edward mean I had a chance?
Fuck. My head was all over the place. But I had no idea how she felt about what I’d said. I’d poured my heart out to her. Granted, it wasn’t the best possible timing, but Hurricane Edward had made landfall and everything had spiraled. Including me.
Oblivious to my inner turmoil, Edward continued to make himself at home. Even now, he’d kicked off his shoes and was headed over to one of the lounge chairs with a drink in hand. I clenched my fists, my blood boiling. I was on the verge of throwing him out when Sloan joined me in the kitchen. Just the sight of her had my pulse slowing to a more normal rate.