Page 83 of Redemption
“Go where?” he asked. “It’s the middle of the night.”
“Should’ve thought of that before you tried to sneak into Sloan’s room uninvited.” While he grumbled, I texted Huxley Grand security and arranged for an escort off the property.
“I’ve been sharing Sloan’s bed for the past year.” He shoved his clothes and things into his bag.
“That’s irrelevant now.” I was barely holding my anger in check as I waited for him to finish packing. He was lucky I was even giving him the courtesy. I was tempted to throw his shit on the beach outside, but I didn’t want it to mar Sloan’s view in the morning. “It’s over.”
He zipped up his designer rollaboard and stood, glancing toward Sloan’s room then back to me. “She’ll regret this.”
“Is that a threat?” I was beyond done with this dickhead.
I’d encountered all sorts of personalities in my work as a bouncer and now as a bodyguard. I’d seen everything from entitled assholes to drunk socialites, but this guy and his attitude were definitely among the worst.
“An observation,” he said in a cool tone.
I herded him toward the door and followed him outside so Sloan wouldn’t overhear. Once the door was shut, I grabbed his shirt and hauled him up against the wall. His eyes widened and then flooded with fear.
“Let’s get one thing straight.” I spat the words. “I know countless ways to kill a man without leaving a trace. If you come near Sloan again, if you so much as utter her name with anything other than politeness and respect, I will end you.”
He gulped.
“Is that understood?”
He gasped for air, and I released my hold ever so slightly.
“Yes,” he choked out. “Yes.”
I let go of him, and he nearly fell to the ground. A moment later, a set of small headlights swung our way.
“There’s your ride.”
I waved at the driver then turned and walked inside, locking the door behind me. Shutting Edward out—of the house, of Sloan’s life.
I’d already shot off a quick email to the team at Hudson. I wanted them to dig deeper into Edward and his family, especially now that Sloan and he were broken up.
I had questions for Sloan, but those could wait. The immediate threat had been neutralized, and right now, Sloan was my biggest concern. She always had been, but I hadn’t done the best job of showing her that in the past. I’d chosen my job. My duty. My fears. Even Sloan’s relationship with Greer.
I took a breath and relaxed my shoulders. The past was in the past. I was focused on our future.
I peeked my head in Sloan’s room, but she wasn’t there. My heart rate ratcheted up, and I marched into the bathroom. Empty. Fuck. I strode down the hall and discovered her sitting on my bed.
“Hey.” I took a seat next to her, wrapping my arm around her. “You okay?”
“I’m…” She shook her head before leaning it against my shoulder. “I don’t want to sleep in there tonight.”
“You don’t have to. Come on.” I guided her to lie down then crawled in bed behind her. I wrapped my arms around her, and I could feel her muscles loosen.
“What’s going to happen now?” she asked.
“We sleep. You’re safe.”
She burrowed deeper into my arms, silencing some of my concerns—at least for now. “I always feel safe with you.”
I knew Edward was no longer a threat—to Sloan’s safety or her heart. But I still had no idea where we stood. For now, I’d settle for being her protector.
Iopened my eyes to the sight of Jackson’s shirtless form. He was lying on his side facing me, his breathing deep and even, his eyelashes inky against his tanned skin. He was so handsome, he seemed almost unreal. I wanted to reach out and touch him, but I needed to get my head on straight first.