Page 10 of Shadowed Past
They stopped in front of a shiny metal door and Thrax rang the door indicator chime. A moment later, the door whooshed to one side, revealing Kat—the woman in charge of getting Agents ready for their missions. She was a full-figured red-head, much like Andi herself, though considerably taller.
“There you two are!” she exclaimed, looking at Andi and Thrax. “Come in—you’re folding space in half an hour so we don’t have a minute to spare!”
And she dragged them into her suite before Andi could even say, “hello.”
“Ihave to wear this?” Thrax frowned down at himself skeptically. The male-wife clothing Kat had made for him wasn’t exactly to his liking. The top was made of black leather. It had a high collar that went halfway up his throat and long sleeves which covered his shoulders and arms. However, it ended just under his clavicles and showed his entire bare chest and abdomen and also his bare back. So really, it was just half a shirt—or more like a fourth of a shirt, he thought.
Besides baring most of his torso, Thrax didn’t like the collar around his throat. It felt too much like a pain collar—the kind the cruel Mistresses of Yonnie Six forced their bodyslaves to wear. He tried to push the thought away as he tugged at the high leather collar with one finger, trying to make more room.
The bottom part of the male-wife outfit wasn’t much better. It was a kind of kilt, made of many strips of dark blue and black leather. It hung low on his hips, exposing the small of his back which Thrax preferred to keep covered. Even now he could feel the burning ache of the old scars and he had to restrain himself from reaching back to rub them.
At least he got to wear his own boots, he reflected as he stared at himself in the 3D viewer Kat had in the corner of her office. That was something.
“Hang on—be with you in a minute,” Kat called to him. She and Andi were behind the folding screen on the other side of the office where she was presumably getting Andi dressed up like a Delta Salacion “Queen” which was what the dominant females were called.
“You’re sure it’s supposed to fit this way?” Andi’s voice sounded rather doubtful. “I mean, it doesn’t leave much to the imagination, does it?”
Thrax’s ears pricked up. What exactly was his partner wearing? Could it possibly be worse than his own outfit?
“Trust me, doll—this is the latest style. I was up researching all night for you,” Kat said. “Look—you’ve got the float dots on, right? Which is good, because it means you don’t have to wear the corset pulled too tight. You’ve got a nice, curvy figure anyway—might as well show it off.”
“I don’t know that I want to show it off this much,” Andi protested.
“That’s kind of too bad, because this is what the Salacions are wearing. You want to fit in, right?”
“Yes, I do. Sorry, Kat—I wouldn’t have minded wearing something like this when I was younger. It’s just now, well…”
“Well, nothing. You look great! Come on—let’s go out and get your partner’s opinion.”
Kat and Andi came out from behind the folding screen and Thrax sucked in a breath at the sight of his partner. Andi was wearing a black skirt, short in the front and long in the back, with a slit in the middle and high black heels that made her short legs look much longer.
But it was the top of the outfit that caught and held Thrax’s gaze. Andi had on a black corset which laced up just under her full breasts. Tucked into it was a diaphanous white button down top with long, flowing sleeves. Her breasts were jutting outward and her ripe pink nipples were fully visible under the filmy fabric.
Thrax tried not to stare at them but it was damn hard—he’d fantasized about his partner’s full breasts on many different occasions but he’d never expected to get to see them like this.
“Hey, my eyes are up here,” Andi said sharply and he realized he was staring even though he’d been trying not to.
“Oh, uh, sorry.” Thrax jerked his gaze up to her face and saw that her cheeks were pink with embarrassment. “You look really good,” he offered, hoping the words didn’t come out sounding wrong. “Really, uh Queen-like.”
“Yeah, right—Queen of a strip club,” Andi said sourly.
She never liked to wear revealing clothing—probably because that stupid fucking ex-mate of hers had made her feel bad about her full, gorgeous curves.
She had admitted to Thrax, after both of them had had a few drinks one night, that her ex-mate had told her she was too fat and old to be attractive anymore. The words had so enraged Thrax that he’d wanted to hunt down Brian—what a stupid name for a male!—and pound some sense into his head.
But Andi wouldn’t let him. She’d pointed out that Thrax beating her ex would cause a lot of questions—not just from the authorities but from her daughter as well. Lindsey didn’t need to see her dad with two black eyes and a broken nose—it would be too hard on her.
Since he cared about Andi’s daughter, Thrax had reluctantly agreed not to beat the useless male’s ass. Instead he had gone to a family wedding as Andi’s “date.” The look of jaw-dropping disbelief on Brian’s face when he saw his wife with a menacing seven-foot-tall warrior with horns who was covered in curving black tattoos had been almost as good as a beating, as far as Thrax was concerned. The rest of Andi’s family had been buzzing with gossip too—it had been a lot of fun. He just wished it was true and he really was his partner’s significant other.
But of course that was impossible and not just because he was a Hybrid. No matter how many compliments he gave her, Andi seemed to think he was just “being nice.” She always laughed it off, though her cheeks did, on occasion, go pink when he told her how beautiful she was. Thrax just wished she could believe him and see herself the way he saw her.
Like now—she was probably feeling insecure about showing off her body in the see-through top even though the sight was mouthwatering. In fact, he was still having a hard time keeping his eyes away from her breasts. With an effort of will, he kept his gaze on her face instead.
“You think you don’t like your outfit, just look at mine!” he complained, gesturing at himself. “I’m wearing a fucking skirt for the Goddess’s sake!”