Page 16 of Shadowed Past
A wide, rather goofy-looking grin spread over the man’s face. His eye make-up was even more elaborate than Thrax’s, Andi thought, but not as well done. It made him look a little like a raccoon.
“Yes, my Queen,” he murmured, looking at Shanna with obvious adoration. “All I want in life is to serve you and make myself attractive for you.”
“That’s my good boy!” Shanna exclaimed, giving him an approving smile. “Come—just past the park is the bridge which leads to Pantyitch’s residence.” She looked at Andi. “I assume you have some status markers with you?”
“Status markers?” Andi asked, frowning. “Uh, do you mean the golden breast jewelry?”
“Exactly.” Shanna nodded. “You’ll need to have your male-wife put it on for you as soon as we enter the party.”
“My male-wife is holding onto it for me,” Andi assured her. “Er…but since we’re new here, I’ve never, uh worn anything like it before.”
“Don’t worry—just watch as Rux puts mine on me,” Shanna told her. “It’s easy as can be.”
“Um, okay, thank you.” Andi nodded. She still felt a little weird about letting her partner handle her breasts, but it wasn’t really that big of a deal. She knew Thrax would be gentle and it was just part of the mission—it didn’t have to mean anything. Even if the mental image of her full breasts being held in his big, capable hands did send a shiver of desire down her spine.
Stop that, she told herself sternly. He’s your partner and that’s it—you can’t start thinking of him that way!
It was the same thing she’d been telling herself since the two of them had first been matched by Commander Sylvan. It would have been extremely tempting to let herself have a crush on the big Hybrid—especially after her ex had treated her so badly. And it didn’t hurt that Thrax was always giving her compliments.
But Andi was a big believer in keeping her love life separate from her work life. Too many things could go wrong when you grew a romantic attachment to your partner. She’d seen it several times at the PD where she’d worked on Earth before coming up to the Mother Ship and it almost always ended badly.
So even though she was about to let Thrax handle her bare breasts, she told herself it was no big deal and vowed to keep things professional.
Thrax wondered if the fucking chemicals in the air—which Andi said smelled like sweet and sour chicken—were really going to make him submissive.
Don’t you mean more submissive? whispered a little voice in his head.
Thrax shoved it away. He wasn’t submissive, no matter what had happened to him all those years ago. That had been a survival situation—he’d done what he had to do in order to stay alive. Any male in his position would have done the same—he was sure of it.
“You’re such a good boy,” purred a voice in his head—a voice from his memories. “I’ve never seen a male so eager to taste my pussy! Does it make you hot, going down on me? Do you love to taste your Mistress?”
Thrax pushed the memory away with an effort. It didn’t matter what had happened in the past, he wasn’t submissive. And he was willing to bet that none of the other males on this fucked up planet were either. The “Fume” probably just made them that way—not that it was going to work on him. He didn’t feel a bit different—and he certainly didn’t appreciate being treated like he was less mentally competent just because he was male!
They made their way down several long white bridges that connected the different floating platforms. Everywhere they went, Thrax saw male-wives walking two steps behind their females. Some had the same dopey look of love and trusting submission on their faces as Rux, who was walking beside him. But Thrax thought he saw a few who looked less than content in their subservient roles. That was, if their facial expressions meant anything.
All of them were wearing the same elaborate eye make-up that he was, though. He’d snatched a glance in the small mirror attached to the make-up kit that Kat had given them and thought that he looked bizarre. But here on a planet where all the males had elaborately made-up eyes, he supposed he would look strange without it. He had the urge to rub his eyes and had to remind himself he couldn’t do that. Gods, how did the females back on Earth stand this?
Before he could answer that particular question, they came to a vast floating platform even larger than the one he’d landed the shuttle on. The enormous white, floating disk was the home of a mansion that was made of gigantic white spheres all piled on top of each other in a haphazard fashion.
“Like a huge bowl of ice cream,” he heard Andi murmur to herself, and had to agree. That was what the mansion looked like—he ought to know since the Earth dessert was one of his favorite foods.
The sphere in the front of the mansion had a rounded doorway which Shanna led them to at once. She rapped twice on the convex white surface and Thrax was half surprised when her fist didn’t come away covered in white cream.
The door was opened by a male servant wearing a frilly apron-like outfit and extremely short shorts which showed off long, muscular legs.
“Ah, Queen Shannabatch Keenasdaughter,” he said, nodding respectfully at Shanna. “How nice to see you again.”
“Hello, Yarks,” Shanna said, nodding and smiling at the servant. “How’s the party so far?”
“Quite lively! Queen Pantyitch has promised to tell the story of the time she was threatened by the slurg,” the servant said. “And how she subjugated it to her will with the use of a pain whip.”
“Oh, I love that story!” Shanna exclaimed. “Quick—announce us so we can mingle and I can introduce our new friends.” She nodded at Andi and Thrax.
“Very well. Do they have an invitation?” he asked.