Page 31 of Shadowed Past
Andi nodded and put a hand on his arm.
“All right. I’ll do it.” She turned to Turg. “Er, how big is this, uh, tail I’m supposed to use on my partn—I mean my male-wife?”
“I expect my Queen will have a small one for you, since your male-wife isn’t used to wearing a tail,” Turg told them. “She’s waiting for you now, by the way. So if you’ll please hurry and get dressed, I’ll lead you to her.”
“Fine, but you get out of the room,” Thrax told him. “And don’t be fucking listening at the door, either. What my Queen and I say to each other is fucking private.”
“Understood.” Turg nodded and beat a hasty retreat, closing the door behind him.
Which left Thrax and his partner alone, staring first at the clothes on the bed…and then each other.
“Well, I guess we’d better get dressed,” Andi said, when she was sure the door was closed. She was beginning to feel guilty about making the decision to come here. Though in her defense, she’d had no idea that Queen Pantyitch would demand that Thrax wear a “tail” up his ass.
“Guess we fucking should.” Thrax went over to the bed and began stripping stoically, pulling off the leather kilt he was wearing.
Andi did the same, though she kept her back turned to her partner as she undressed. She couldn’t forget the conversation they’d been having before Turg had interrupted them. Did her partner really want her sexually? Did he actually fantasize about her all the time?
It seemed hard to believe. Her ex, Brian, had told her over and over how she just wasn’t attractive anymore—it was the main reason he gave for wanting to have an open marriage.
“Look, babe, I just don’t feel it for you anymore. Maybe if you’d kept yourself in shape and still looked good, like you did when we were married…”
It shook Andi to realize that she’d been feeling not just unattractive but downright ugly ever since her ex had come to her with that stupid proposal. And it had taken an admission from Thrax that he fantasized about her to make her realize it…and to consider that maybe she wasn’t “completely unfuckable” as Brian had said once, during one of their more bitter fights.
“Look, Thrax, about what you said earlier,” she began as she pulled on the dress—which was tight and black and had a scoop neck cut so low it showed her breasts fully. Thank goodness for the float dots Kat had given her! Though it was still uncomfortable to have her bare breasts poking out…
“Yeah, I said I was sorry, didn’t I?” he snapped. “I’ll try not to think about how much I want you anymore if that will make you feel better. But right now, I’ve got other things on my mind. Like the fact that you’re going to have to shove a fucking ‘tail’ in my ass in a few minutes.”
Andi felt a surge of guilt. Of course that would be uppermost in his mind—this wasn’t going to be easy for him. For her either, for that matter—she’d never had any experience with this kind of thing, though she had read a few spicy romance novels that featured it. What did they call it—ass play? Anyway, it certainly wasn’t something she’d ever expected to do in real life. She and Brian had had a pretty vanilla sex life back when they were married—her ex wasn’t exactly experimental in the bedroom.
“I’m sorry—I never should have agreed for us to come here,” she said, turning to face Thrax as she finished adjusting her dress.
Her bare breasts were sticking out of it and she was still wearing the golden nipple jewelry. She wondered if she ought to take it off since they were no longer at a formal feast. Probably so, but if she did, would Thrax eventually have to put it back on her? Just the thought of her partner kneeling before her and sucking her nipples into his hot mouth again made her shiver with desire. Which, of course, was wrong.
“Nah, we had to come here. It’s the only chance we’ve got of finding Kier and bringing him home.” Thrax turned to face her as well.
“I guess you’re, uh, right.” Andi was fighting a losing battle not to look down. She kept catching glimpses of his semi-hard shaft from the corner of her eye and thinking how huge it was.
“Just fucking look,” Thrax growled, frowning down at her. “You’re probably going to have to do more than look when we get out there,” he added. “So you might as well not seem like you’re seeing my fucking equipment for the first time.”
“Sorry. It’s just…you’re so, uh, big.” Andi let her eyes drift down to take him in. Even only semi-erect, his shaft was enormous. She wondered briefly how any woman could take something so big—and if she personally could take it—before she pushed the thought out of her mind.
But it wasn’t just the size that fascinated her. There were little bumps and ridges running along the length of his shaft, not to mention a large, knotted swelling near the base of it.
“You looking at my pleasure ridges or my Bonding Knot?” Thrax rumbled and she realized that she’d been staring.
“Your, uh, what and your what?” Andi asked.
“These.” He grabbed her by the wrist and put her hand on his shaft. “Go on—touch me,” he said roughly, holding her wrist when she would have pulled her hand away. “You’re going to have to anyway once we get out there. And they’re probably going to ask about my shaft—so you need to be able to tell them.”
“Tell them what?” Andi demanded. She couldn’t believe they were having this conversation.
“About these.” Still holding her wrist, he ran her fingers up and down the raised bumps. “Those are my pleasure ridges. They make a special kind of oil that provides lubrication and also makes a female’s clit more sensitive when she rubs against me.”
“Really? Your cock makes its own lube?” Andi stared in fascination at where her fingers were touching.