Page 36 of Shadowed Past
“Yeah, thanks.” Thrax shrugged. “It’s fine. I’ll be fine,” he said. But he wasn’t sure if he was trying to reassure his partner or himself.
Because he very definitely didn’t feel “fine” and he didn’t think he ever would again until they got the Seven Hells out of this fucking place.
The entrance to the Seed Arena, as Queen Pantyitch called the milking room, was a sliding silver door that opened automatically when they approached. It led into a vast, round metal area which was partitioned into sections or stalls at regular intervals with metal dividers that jutted out from the curving main wall.
Each stall had an occupant who was held in place with thick leather straps, Andi saw as she looked around. Most of the alien males she saw were bipedal and humanoid, but there were a few that seemed to go on four legs or even six. She even saw one who lived in a tank—long green tentacles were protruding from the top of the murky liquid inside.
Most of the males were blindfolded and gagged but there was one who wasn’t. Standing directly opposite them was a warrior with no blindfold or gag which made him easy to recognize—it was Kier, the one they had come to rescue.
Andi tried not to let her expression change as she saw him. He was a huge Kindred—at least a foot taller than Thrax—with gray skin and black hair.
His eyes were closed and his muscular arms and legs were strapped to the metal wall behind him. Andi couldn’t tell if he was asleep or just exhausted. He was naked and the head of his limp shaft, which hung between his legs, reached almost to his knees.
“Wow, that’s, uh, quite a specimen you have there,” she said to Queen Pantyitch, as she nodded at Kier. “Is that the Kindred you told me about?”
“Indeed, yes—he’s one of our best producers. A real stud,” the other woman said proudly. “In fact, let me use him to show you how our milking farm works.”
“Oh no—you don’t have to—” Andi began, but Queen Pantyitch was already striding over to the bound warrior. On the wall beside his head was a large red button. She pushed it and then stepped back.
“Just watch, my dear,” she said to Andi. “You’ll see how it works—it’s all completely automated.”
A sound like a bell ringing went off and Commander Kier’s eyes popped open. They were a pale, wolf-like blue Andi thought—but a moment later they were squeezed shut as his face twisted in what looked like pain.
“Stop it—you’re hurting him!” she exclaimed, taking a step forward.
“No, no—nothing of the kind.” Queen Pantyitch waved a hand dismissively. “In fact, it’s the exact opposite. The tail inside him is also a prostate stimulator. The milking machinery is simply delivering vibrations to his prostate to ‘wake up’ his shaft.”
“The tail’s a fucking what?” Thrax growled, looking horrified and angry at the same time. But his words were drowned out by another bell ringing somewhere as Commander Kier’s long shaft came to attention.
An old joke popped into Andi’s head—the one about the guy with a dick so big he got faint whenever he had a hard-on because all the blood rushed from his head down to his dick. She wondered if it was like that for the enormous giant Wulvan Kindred. But Kier didn’t seem to be getting faint—instead, he was waking up, his teeth gritted and his face twisted in what looked like agony.
And then a mechanical arm with a long clear tube on the end of it came out of the wall beside him and reached around his body. As they watched, the tube—which had a black rubber ring on one end—slipped easily over the head of his shaft and then swallowed him whole, down to the root. An inner ring, which was red, detached itself from the end of the tube and began sliding up and down the long shaft, clearly massaging and pumping it. At the same time a mechanical hand came from the machinery underneath him and began fondling the heavy balls that were hanging below his shaft.
“Gods, not again!” Kier groaned in a hoarse, agonized voice as the machinery went to work on him. “Please, haven’t you got enough already? When are you going to let me go?”
Queen Pantyitch didn’t bother to answer her captive’s anguished questions. She had a bored expression on her face as she watched the mechanical arm with the tube on its end masturbate the hapless warrior while no doubt, the prostate stimulator was still vibrating inside him to make him come.
“As you see, it usually doesn’t take long,” she said to Andi, who was watching in dismay. “Except with the Kindred—they have remarkable stamina. But the stimulator tail combined with the shaft-stroking band and the fondle-fingers are an unbeatable combination. Any minute now, he’s going to come. And then his seed will be sucked away into our DNA sorter and from there to the cold storage unit for safe keeping until we have a customer who wants to use it.”
Andi couldn’t contain her horror.
“This is awful!” she burst out. “That poor man! How can you do that to him?”
“Do what? Harvest his seed?” Queen Pantyitch raised her eyebrows in surprise at Andi’s outburst. “Why my dear, he’s only a man. He came to our planet alone and unprotected—not married to a woman who could claim him. Which makes him fair game for women like me and my business partner. Entrepreneurs who are simply trying to make a few extra credits, you know. Oh look—there he goes—he’s coming at last,” she added.
As she spoke, Kier’s back arched and he gave a low, shuddering groan. His cock jerked inside the clear tube and then Andi saw streams of pearly white cum shooting from its tip. It was sucked quickly away by the mechanical arm at the end of the tube but even so, Kier kept coming and coming.
“Look at all that seed!” Queen Pantyitch said approvingly. “I told you, these Kindred—they make so much. Of course, the tail helps—it keeps on massaging the prostate until he’s completely dry.”
“We need to stop this.” Thrax’s voice was a low, menacing growl. “That poor bastard—it’s fucking wrong!”
“Easy!” Andi put a hand on her partner’s arm. She could feel how tense the big Hybrid’s muscles were—Thrax was ready to explode. But if he did, they would lose the element of surprise and Queen Pantyitch would know they were there under false pretenses.
“Is there something wrong with your male-wife?” Pantyitch asked now, turning to stare down her nose at Thrax.