Page 61 of Shadowed Past
Andi jerked upright when the strong female voice filled the room. She’d been slumped on her couch, wondering if there was any way to get Thrax to participate in the Cleansing Ceremony after all, so the loud voice came as a shock—especially when she’d thought she was all alone.
She’d gone to her partner’s suite earlier and had knocked for so long her knuckles were sore. Finally after what seemed like forever, Thrax had come to the door. The big warrior had looked worse than Andi had ever seen him. There were dark circles under his golden eyes and his skin—normally a deep red—had the ashy gray tint of pure exhaustion.
“What do you want?” he’d demanded listlessly, looking down at her. “I’m busy.”
“You’re not busy doing anything but moping!” Andi had exclaimed. She was worried about her partner—deeply worried. He looked like a man on the brink of doing something really bad to himself—maybe something fatal.
“What do you want?” Thrax had repeated, raising one eyebrow irritably. “Tell me or leave, Andi. I don’t have time for fucking bullshit.”
Rapidly, Andi had explained about the Cleansing Ceremony.
“And I think it could really help you feel better,” she ended, looking up at him hopefully. “Please, Thrax—say you’ll come tonight.”
But her partner only shook his head.
“I don’t think so. Not interested.”
“Why?” Andi demanded. “It can’t hurt to try—just say you’ll come.”
“I said no,” Thrax growled and then he had shut the door in her face—which was something he had never done before.
Even worse, Andi had heard the click of the lock engaging—he was actually locking her out! He had never done that to her before either.
“Thrax? Thrax?” She had pounded on his door for another fifteen minutes, but her only reply was a deep, growl?—
“Go away!”
Finally, Andi had left. She had gone back to her suite—which was just down the hall from her partner’s—and slumped on the couch, wondering what in the Seven Hells, as the Kindred said, she was going to do.
And that was when the female voice spoke to her.
“Daughter, listen to me! Your partner is in grave danger,” it said now as Andi was still struggling to find words to answer.
“What kind of danger? And who are you?” she gasped, looking around.
There was nothing to see, but the voice was accompanied by a presence that was clearly feminine, though Andi couldn’t have said how she knew that.
“I am The Mother of All Life. Listen to me now—go to your partner’s suite at once!”
“But it’s locked—he locked me out!” Andi protested, even as she jumped to her feet and ran for the door.
“I will see to that. Go! He has only moments left!”
The voice was gone but the sense of urgency it had brought with it filled Andi with anxiety. What kind of danger was Thrax in? She was afraid that she knew what it might be, but she could be wrong. Just in case, she had her blaster on her hip.
Whatever was happening in her partner’s suite, she just hoped she could get there in time to stop it.
The metal of the blaster barrel felt cold against his tongue, like a block of ice that would never melt. His finger was tightening on the trigger when he heard the door to his suite slide open.
Looking up, he saw Andi standing in the doorway, a look of anxiety on her face. When she saw what he was doing, the look turned to one of panic.
“Thrax, no!” she gasped. Putting up her arms in a “don’t shoot” gesture, she walked carefully towards him. “Stop…think what you’re doing,” she pleaded.
Thrax sighed but pulled the blaster out of his mouth.