Page 76 of Shadowed Past
Thrax was having those weird dreams again…the ones where he was back with Mistress Stoneheart but Andi was there too. He frowned as he sat up and rubbed his temples. What was wrong with him? He had a feeling he ought to know, but he couldn’t seem to put the pieces together. Also, the dreams started fading almost as soon as he woke up.
Not this time though. Thrax grabbed for a pad of paper and an ink stylus he’d left by the side of the bed. This time he was going to write the dreams down and remember them.
At the top of the pad he had written, Dream Journal. He started writing below the heading. Andi stepping in front of the pain whip—healing my back, he scribbled quickly, trying to get the details of the dream down before it faded. Andi wiping away the burning plum oil and then…
He hesitated on this next part, but the more he wrote the more he remembered and he was sure this was part of the dream.
…then sucking my cock and letting me come in her mouth, he wrote. Andi coming to me in my room when my Thirst was bad. She let me drink from her vein and then let me suck her nipples and taste her sweet pussy…
Gods, just the thought of that made his shaft so hard it ached! No wonder he’d been waking up with a hard-on every day this month. But what was the meaning of these strangely erotic dreams?
He thought about asking his partner…but that was stupid. She wouldn’t know why she was in his dreams. Also, if he told her he was having fucking wet dreams about her, it was going to make Andi uncomfortable. They were just friends, after all. Though sometimes he had the feeling that they had once been more…but that was crazy, Thrax told himself. He needed to forget it.
He knew he could never have Andi as more than a friend—he was a Hybrid and a Pitch Blood. They would have to beat odds that were greater than the ridiculous lotteries they ran down on Earth to be anything more. She would have to be his fated mate and Thrax was sure she couldn’t be that.
What about the way she came when you bit her? whispered a little voice in his head.
What? Thrax frowned and shook his head. Where had that idea come from?
He tried to push it away because it was ridiculous, but he couldn’t help it—he kept seeing Andi straddling him and offering the vein in her neck…then coming on his lap as he drank from her. And another memory, this one of her offering her wrist and again, coming when he bit her.
Stop it—stop thinking crazy! he told himself. Just put this all out of your mind and take a shower. You’re meeting Andi for breakfast and you don’t want her thinking you’re looking at her weird.
He got out of bed and went into the fresher for a shower. But even as the hot water rushed over his face and body, he couldn’t stop thinking of the strange dreams of his partner.
It wasn’t just the dreams either—he was also having trouble remembering their last mission together. He had an idea that they’d gone someplace in the Twisted System—aka the Kink Cluster—but he couldn’t quite remember where. He also seemed to have memories of tasting and touching his partner intimately, much like in his dreams. They came popping into his head at odd moments and then disappeared like smoke when he tried to grasp them.
And another thing—somehow it seemed he had misplaced his blaster. The weapon had been specially made for him, to fit his large hands and it was one of Thrax’s most cherished possessions. He always kept it locked in a drawer in his bedside table. But the last time he had gone to look for it so he could clean it, the damn thing was gone!
Thrax had searched everywhere for it—he’d turned his suite upside down and inside out looking, but so far he hadn’t found it. It was like the damn thing had disappeared into thin air! Where was it? He was always so careful with his weapons—how could he have lost it?
“I’m going fucking crazy,” Thrax muttered to himself as he finished his shower and toweled off. What had he done with his blaster and why couldn’t he remember his last mission with Andi? And why was he having all these weird dreams and memories of her?
Something was going on with him…he just didn’t know what yet. But Thrax was determined he was going to find out. There had to be a rational explanation that linked these strange occurrences together—if there wasn’t, he really might be losing his mind.
“Hey, what’s wrong, big guy—you seem preoccupied today.” Andi tried to talk casually as she took a seat beside her partner in their favorite café not far from the Sacred Grove.
“Hm? Nothing’s wrong. Just thinking.” Thrax shook his head as he sipped the mug of hot chai Andi had ordered him. He had developed a liking for it after they had gone to an Indian restaurant on one of their bi-monthly restaurant trips to try new cuisines and now it was his favorite breakfast drink.
Andi told herself she should be glad her partner only seemed preoccupied and not horribly depressed. Their routing was back to normal—the trips to try new restaurants, their movie nights, the friendly camaraderie—everything was just like it had been for the past three years.
But she couldn’t help remembering how good it felt to be held in her partner’s arms…or how his big hands felt on her breasts…or how hot his mouth was when he spread her open with his tongue…
Stop it—stop thinking about that! It’s in the past and the past is toxic—you have to let it go! she lectured herself sternly.
She took a sip of her coffee—no tea for her, thank you—and tried to turn her mind to other things.
“So I was wondering if you knew where the fuck I put my blaster,” Thrax rumbled, startling her.
Andi jumped and nearly spilled her coffee.