Page 80 of Shadowed Past
“Hey…just tell me,” he said softly. “I promise I won’t get mad. I didn’t get angry about you messing with my memories, did I?”
“I guess not…” Andi cleared her throat. “Okay, so we did get kind of intimate during our last mission—but only because the mission called for it.”
Thrax’s eyebrows shot up again.
“The mission called for it? How?”
“Well…like they have a tradition on Salacious Delta where the woman’s male-wife puts golden nipple jewelry on her when she attends a formal event,” Andi explained rapidly. “But first he has to suck her nipples, so…”
“What? You made me forget that I got to suck your nipples?” Thrax exclaimed. “Damn it, Andi—why couldn’t you leave that memory alone?”
She shrugged helplessly.
“I just did what the priestess told me. She said your recollection of the mission would be kind of faded—like a story someone told you about someone else a long time ago.”
“But then how can I know what we did and didn’t do?” Thrax complained. “Did I really get to taste your pussy, or is that an altered memory too?”
Andi bit her lip again but the pinkness in her cheeks gave Thrax the answer he needed.
“I did, didn’t I? Damn…” He sighed. “I wish there was some way to bring back the good parts of the mission, at least.”
“Maybe…maybe there’s a way,” Andi said. “I mean, if you want to try.”
“Try what?” Thrax was instantly interested.
“Well, it occurs to me that we could act out some of your memories—that might help bring back the good parts without stirring up the bad parts,” she offered.
Thrax narrowed his eyes in disbelief.
“Are you sure about that? All the memories I have left are of doing things with you—sexual things, Andi. Are you really willing to ‘act out’ those things with me?”
“Well…” She shifted on the bed. “I mean, I feel bad. I went into your head and helped erase and alter your bad memories—it seems like the least I can do is help you regain the good ones.” She gave him a stern look. “But you have to promise me if you start having bad or disturbing thoughts or memories you’ll tell me right away so we can take you back to the Sacred Grove.”
Thrax nodded eagerly.
“I promise, baby. Now how do we start?”
“Well…” Andi frowned. “I think first we should get more comfortable…”
Andi couldn’t believe she was doing this. Was she really going to act out the sexual parts of their mission together, just to help Thrax regain the good parts of his memory?
I owe it to him, she argued with the part of herself that whispered it was a bad idea. And it doesn’t mean we’ll have a sexual relationship from now on—I’m just trying to help him remember at least part of the mission, so he doesn’t feel like he’s going crazy. It’s just a one-time thing—that’s all.
Liar! whispered the little voice in her head. You’re doing this because you want it too—you miss his touch…the feel of his big hands on your body and his mouth on your breasts and between your legs.
Andi couldn’t exactly deny it was true. Ever since the Cleansing Ceremony she’d been fantasizing about all the things she and Thrax had done…and wishing they could do them again. She’d been without sex for so long before the mission to Salacious Delta that she’d almost forgotten about that part of herself.
Having her partner’s hands and mouth on her body had brought it all back again and Andi felt like she was sexually hungry for the first time in years.
That’s no excuse to use your partner to satisfy your needs, scolded the little voice in her head. You should stop this right now, Andi.
Andi pushed the voice away—she wasn’t going to stop. But she couldn’t shake the feeling that she was going to change her partnership with Thrax forever if she continued on this course. She might be making the biggest mistake of her life…
But that didn’t stop her from stripping.