Page 83 of Shadowed Past
“No—I can take you. Deep, Thrax—I want you deep inside me!”
He couldn’t resist her pleading and he knew that the natural lubricant his pleasure ridges made would help her open for him. With a long upward thrust, he impaled her completely—all except for his knot. That part he was going to withhold, he told himself. Andi was too small, too delicate to take it.
But she surprised him again by pressing down further and he actually felt his Bonding Knot beginning to slide inside her.
“Wait, baby—don’t want to hurt you!” he protested. “I don’t know if you can fit all of me inside your tight little pussy.”
“I think I can,” Andi moaned, sinking down even further. “Oh!”
“What is it, baby?” Thrax looked at her anxiously. “Is it bad?”
“No, not bad. Just…different. It feels almost like…like I’m opening up inside to make room for you—all of you.” Andi wiggled some more and the rest of his knot slipped into her pussy.
At the same time, Thrax felt a sensation he’d never expected to feel. It was like another mouth had opened inside her and was sucking at the head of his cock.
“It’s like a flower opening inside me…letting you in,” Andi moaned softly. “God, you’re so deep in me, Thrax! I didn’t know it was possible for you to get this deep!”
“It’s only possible with a Deep Seeding.” Thrax put his hands on her waist to hold her in place. “Look at me, baby—this only happens once in a while—it’s very rare.” It was actually a sign that she might be his fated mate…which felt right for some reason. But Thrax pushed the thought away—he couldn’t get his hopes up.
“What does a Deep Seeding mean?” Andi asked, rolling her hips to get him even deeper in her tight, wet pussy.
Thrax groaned—Gods, she felt so good around him! It was almost like she was begging him to come in her. But no, she hadn’t said that. She didn’t really understand what was happening.
“Listen, baby, I think your body is reacting to mine—the mouth of your womb has opened to suck on the head of my cock,” he told her. “That means if I come in you, my cream will be shooting directly into your womb.”
“Mmm, who said you could come yet? I still want to feel you moving inside me,” Andi moaned. “But first, I want you to bite me.”
“Bite you?” Thrax frowned. Had he bitten her before? It seemed like he had, though it could just be an altered memory. “I can’t bring you pleasure with my bite,” he warned her.
“Yes, you can—you did before.” She swept her long hair over one shoulder and bared the side of her throat for him. “Go on—bite me. I love it!”
Thrax frowned—was his partner into pain? Some women loved erotic pain so he supposed it was possible. Also, there was no denying his urge to bite. Not to take her blood, but to inject his essence—to Bond her to him.
But I can’t Bond her—I’m a Hybrid and a Pitch-Blood—there’s no way I can Bond her to me unless she’s my fated mate. And she can’t be…can she?
What if she was, though? After all, the mouth of her womb had opened for him, hadn’t it? What if Andi really was his fated mate?
There was only one way to find out, but Thrax knew he had to warn her first.
“All right, baby, I’ll bite you,” he growled. “But if I do, I’ll be injecting my essence and coming inside you at the same time. And if I do that, I might Bond you to me.”
“I…I thought you couldn’t bond because you’re a Hybrid?” Andi moaned. Before he could start an explanation, she shook her head. “Never mind—do it. Bite me and Bond me to you, if you can, Thrax. I want you to!”
“I want you too, baby—so fucking much,” he swore softly, looking into her eyes.
“Then do it!” She bared her throat again and this time he didn’t hesitate. With a low groan, he bared his fangs and sank them deep into the tender flesh of her neck.
As he injected his essence, the pleasure made him come as well. Gripping her hips tightly, he pulled his partner down hard on his shaft. He felt himself swelling inside her and then the first hot spurt of his cream shot deep inside her.
As his essence hit her bloodstream and his seed filled her womb, Andi began to come again. Thrax could feel her inner walls massaging him, almost as though she was urging him to fill her with his cream—fill her completely and make Andi his forever.
“That’s exactly what I want—make me yours!”
It took Thrax a minute to realize that Andi’s voice was coming from inside his head—that she was speaking directly into his mind. And that could only mean one thing.
“Bonded…baby, we’re Bonded!” he sent through the new connection.
He withdrew his fangs and crushed her to him, holding her sweet, curvy body tight. Finally his! She was finally his as more than just a partner…more than just a friend. Andi was his fated mate and he was never letting go of her again.