Page 44 of Building Courage
Jess shot her a grin. “We’d be thrilled with the help. Some of Brynn’s equipment weighs at least a ton.”
Jess took care of folding up one light while Brynn did the other. They stowed them in bags and then disembarked with the group of models. The two men walked them to the car and organized the gear in the back of the SUV and the back seat.
“Thanks, guys. We appreciate it,” Brynn said as she hit the button to close the hatch.
“I’m Tim Garner, and this is Ahmad Bilal.” Garner thrust a thumb in Ahmad’s direction. “We’d like for you ladies to join us for a drink if you have time?”
Surprised, Brynn leaned back against the hatch and glanced at Jess. She knew how to handle business interactions, but anything like this had every wary instinct firing. Brynn bit her bottom lip, and her attention shifted from Garner to Bilal. “I…we appreciate the invitation, but Jess already has a serious boyfriend, and I’m seeing someone.”
Garner smiled. “If you change your mind sometime in the future…” He whipped out his wallet and offered her a business card.
He was a player and probably got laid every night of the week. “Why didn’t you ask one of the models?”
He tucked his card into her hand. “I see women like them on board all the time. You two are just as beautiful, but a guy wouldn’t have to worry about smudging your lipstick or mussing your hair every time he touches you. You’re natural and down to earth. I mean that as a compliment.”
Brynn wasn’t moved by the compliment. She’d heard enough of them from Chad.
Garner smiled again. “Keep the card, and if you feel lonely some night and want some company or want to go out dancing, give me a call.”
Ahmad offered her a card as well. “Should you ever need assistance, Miss Barrington.”
She actually preferred Ahmad’s courtly manners to Garner’s, though she had no intention of going anywhere with either of them.
The two guys turned to walk back toward the ship.
“That was a pretty awesome invitation Garner gave you. Are you going to keep the card?”
It had taken her nearly three weeks to let Tucker kiss her. He’d earned her trust, and he’d jump-started her libido with a vengeance. “No. That guy was a player and out to get laid. I’m more interested in seeing where Tucker and I can take things.” If he didn’t deploy. The thought caused her a twinge of worry.
Jess grinned. “Sounds promising.”
They got into the car, but Brynn didn’t start it. “The whole time I was on the road, I didn’t go out with anyone.”
“You were on the road for nearly two years, Brynn. That’s a long, dry spell.”
“About six months ago, I had a date. He was a nice guy. Someone I had met at the magazine. It didn’t work out.” She drew a deep breath. “It wasn’t his fault. It was all mine. He kissed me good night on the cheeks as he was leaving my apartment, and I had a panic attack. I never went out with him again.”
Jess remained silent for one beat, then two. “Is there a reason you’d react like that, Brynn?”
Her mouth was suddenly dry. “When I was twenty-one, I made the mistake of getting mixed up with the wrong man. I didn’t know he was wrong when we first started dating. He came from a good family in the area. He owned his own business and had a steady job that paid well. He was charming and handsome. But it was all a front. When he didn’t get his way, that front crumbled. When he drank, it was even worse. We only dated for six weeks, but even after I walked away, other things happened. He stalked me.”
Jessica remained silent for a moment, then rested a hand on her arm. “I’m sorry.”
“I know you’ve probably thought I was really strange or something…”
“Never.” She reached out to touch Brynn’s arm. “Oliver and I thought you were grieving a loss.”
She supposed that was as good a way to put it as any other. She’d lost pieces of herself, her home, her friends, and part of her family because of Chad.
“Does Martin know?” Jess asked.
“Not everything. He’s my next-door neighbor, and when I first moved in, I still had occasional nightmares. I’m better now.”
“And Tucker…have you told him anything about this?”
“No. We haven’t known each other long enough.”
“If you have any reservations about having him over for dinner, Oliver and I could join you.”