Page 63 of Building Courage
“I can fix you a quick breakfast while you dress,” she offered as he slipped out of bed.
A morning view of a very nude Tucker was an awesome way to wake up.
“There you go, breaking that cooking ban again,” he teased as he slipped into the sweatpants.
“Actually, I was going to heat you some frozen waffles in the toaster.”
He laughed. “I’ll settle for a cup of coffee.”
“I think I can handle that.” She reached for her robe on the floor and put it on.
“I’m going to jump in the shower. Then I’ll have to go home to get dressed before reporting to base.”
“Coffee will be waiting for you.”
He disappeared into the bathroom, and she wandered out to use the small powder room in the hallway, usually used by guests.
By the time he came out of the bedroom dressed in his uniform and boots from the day before, the coffee was ready. She poured some into a go cup. “Cream or sugar?”
“Cream. What have you got planned today? Any shoots?” he asked as he took the cup.
“No. I have some updates to make to a website for a local bookstore. Between my photography gigs, I have contracts with several small businesses to do graphic design work to maintain their websites.”
He took a sip of the coffee. “You amaze me at how many things you can do.”
She leaned back against the cabinet to sip her own. “You’re no slouch yourself.”
He flashed her a smile. “After work today, how about we go out to eat? I think we could both use a nice dinner that neither of us has to cook.”
“That sounds good.”
“How’s five-thirty?”
“That works for me.”
“I’ll ask Knotty if he and his girl can join us for dinner at McP’s. She’s a techie, too. She does software engineering.”
Their work lives moved in such opposite directions… It was a relief to know he wanted her to meet some of his friends and that he wasn’t wary of sharing other parts of his life with her. “I’d like to meet the Roman gladiator and his girlfriend.”
He smoothed back a long strand of caramel hair and studied her face for a moment before leaning down to brush her lips with a kiss. “I gotta go.”
She rested a hand against his chest. “I know.”
They’d avoided speaking about his friend Jordan since he’d shared the news with her. Their new intimacy had kept his mind off what had happened. But would it once again come crashing down on him when he started dwelling on it during the meeting.
“I’ll be here if you need anything,” she said.
He kissed her again. “I’ll call you later.”
The soft closing of the door as he left the apartment had her sighing. He’d found his feet, hopefully, and would be okay. But the way he’d been when he’d first shown up…
It was so hard for guys to admit they needed comfort. Her brothers would sooner suffer an amputated limb than admit they were hurting. Tucker had been too exhausted to hide his pain or grief. But he’d come to her… That thought had a few nerves fluttering her belly. She cared for him, lusted after him… She wasn’t ready to think about the rest.
While nibbling a piece of toast and finishing another cup of coffee, she mentally set out a plan for the day.
She went into the bedroom and stripped the sheets off the bed. She put them in the hamper and then got another set out of the closet. It took her only moments to remake the bed and set the room to rights. She put the sheets and a few towels in to wash.
Thirty minutes later, with her hair still a little damp from her shower, she sat down in front of her computer and opened it. She accessed her password folder and opened the files for the slideshow. She let it run once more to be certain it was eye-catching to the viewer. Satisfied, she sent Liam Bryant a link to the slideshow so he could play it and asked for his feedback.