Page 11 of 3013: SAVIOR
“I told you I am super.”
He huffed out a low chuckle. “That you are.”
Trying to shake off his lust, he started to speak again but didn’t get a chance as his attention was drawn to the three robots that converged on the street from different directions. Standing around eight feet tall, the robots’ metal frames gleamed in the street lights as each of their single red visor eyes scanned the area. Fucking hell, dealing with one bot was bad enough since they were heavily armed and could do some serious damage.
Fighting three at once would be a fucking nightmare.
He wasn’t sure just how strong Jecca’s shield was or how long it would last, but they needed to get the fuck out of there before they were spotted.
“Fuck,” he hissed. “See that big building over there? The big one that looks like a cathedral? Keep close to the ground while we make a run for it.”
“Why do we—?”
“We need to get the hell off the street before they see us. If not, we’ll have to fight our way out. And our chance of survival against three bots isn’t good.”
Jecca briefly considered what he’d said, then decided against it. Instead of running, she simply teleported them inside the building he had pointed to. That gave him what he had asked for without wasting any time.
She had wanted to destroy the robots for putting the fear she’d heard in Zack’s voice. Wanted to crush them and turn them into nothing but metal particles that would be washed away by the torrential rain. But when she tried, it didn’t work. Frustration burned through her at the malfunction of her magic. She needed to figure out what in hellfire was blocking it…and fast.
Thankfully, her ability to teleport worked.
At least for that short distance.
Taking a quick scan of their surroundings, she saw that the building they had transported into was an old library. The room was dark, with only a few emergency lights illuminating the large space. However, she could clearly see they were kneeling on the main floor of the building on the center aisle that was made of a dark, glossy marble.
Stacks of books surrounded them, and there were more tomes filling the massive bookshelves that completely covered each of the walls. There was a large spiraling staircase that reached the second and third levels, and she could see more stacks of books on the upper floors. Lightning flashed outside, creating a kaleidoscope of colors as the light shot through the stained glass windows.
Long, wooden tables filled one side of the main floor, and there were several small green lamps set on each tabletop. Leather chairs with low, rounded backs bracketed each side of the table, and there were more seats available in the lounge area located on the other side of the room. The seating area was filled with long leather couches, plush chairs, and low tables.
While it seemed like a comfortable place to wait out the storm, she didn’t think of it as a very secure location to hide from robots set on destruction. It was too open and would be far too easy to break in. And truthfully, it would be a shame if all those books were destroyed in a fight.
Glancing over at Zack, she saw that his eyes were wide with shock as he gaped at her. Perhaps she should have given him a little warning before she had teleported them inside, but there hadn’t been time. Her priority had been to get him to safety, so that is exactly what she’d done.
“I told you I am not a robot,” she said with a hint of amusement in her voice.
He wheezed out a laugh. “Yeah, thank god for that. We should be safe enough in here. I hope the others got somewhere safe before the bots spotted them.”
That made her frown. “You believe we are safe in here?”
He nodded as he stood up, then he reached out a hand to help her to her feet. Placing her hand in his, she felt a jolt of electricity surge through her at the contact. She slowly rose to her feet and fought the urge to press her body against his. Something about him drew her to him. It felt like more than just simple attraction. It was a visceral reaction that was hard to deny, but she needed some answers before she allowed herself to indulge and scrutinize those emotions any deeper.
It couldn’t wait, not when their safety was at risk.
“You are saying the robots will not be able to find us simply because we are inside this building?”
His brows furrowed as if he was puzzled by her question. “Yes.”
That didn’t sound right. In fact, nothing about the entire scenario struck her as making any sense.
“Do you not find that strange?”
“What do you mean? Why don’t we move over to the lounge area there and dry off…” He glanced down at himself and her, then blinked in surprise. “We’re dry.”
“Aye, we are.”
“Did you do that?”