Page 21 of 3013: SAVIOR
“Well, when you put it that way…” Razar muttered sheepishly.
Brielle patted her mate’s arm, then said, “What can we do to fix this?”
“We can erect a sound barrier around each of the power cells like I did with this one,” Jecca said. “We will also designate several of the islands for the creatures that will be off-limits for you to build on. That way, even when they wake to lay their eggs on land, you should not have issues with them.”
“You can do that?” Brielle asked, clearly impressed.
“I am confident she can figure out a way to help them understand. My sister is able to connect with beasts.” Jaya shot Zack a sly grin. “What does that say about you, brother?”
Rather than be insulted, he laughed. “It says I found the right mate.”
“What should we do with the puppet people running around on the island?” Razar asked.
Jaya shrugged. “Just leave them be for now. They disappear when they get killed off anyway. Having them around could add to the ambiance.”
“Right,” Magnus said with a groan. “A death ambiance. Fantastic.”
Ignoring him, Jecca said, “My mate and I will start putting up the sound barriers toward the west. Then, we can meet everyone back on the main island for a meal. This should not take long.”
“We shall head east and take care of those power cells.” Jaya grinned. “Come on, mate. Let us go do some magic.”
“Magic, right.” Xian shot Zack a look, and said, “Have you gotten used to that part of things yet?”
“Hell, no,” Zack wheezed out. “Do you think we ever will?”
“Probably not,” Xian admitted weakly.
Jaya just rolled her eyes as she took his hand in hers and they disappeared.
“No matter how many times I see it, I will never get used to that,” Nico stressed, pulling Brielle closer to his side.
Zack flashed them a grin, then held his own hand out to his mate. “Shall we get to work?”
“We could teleport…or we could do it a different way.”
He looked confused for a moment, then his expression lit up. “Dragons. You want to shift into dragons and fly?”
She nodded. “You game?”
“Hell, yeah! Okay, what do I do? How exactly do I turn myself into a dragon?”
“I will transform first. Stay connected with me and follow what I do.”
He huffed out a breath as he rubbed his hands together. Then, he paused and glanced over at his friends. “Do you guys really need to be here for this?”
All of them nodded in unison.
“We do,” Nico declared with a wide grin. “We really do.”
“Great,” Zack muttered sulkily. “What if I can’t do it?”
“Do not worry. You will,” Jecca vowed.
Zack remained connected to her as she started walking away. She didn’t even pause in her steps as she suddenly became a massive dragon with scales ranging from a shimmering silver to a dark gray to pure black. He watched in awe as she spread her large wings and took flight.
“Are you ready, mate?” Jecca asked. “Just call on your dragon spirit, and it will guide you.”
Zack knew what to do from following the steps in Jecca’s mind, but he didn’t expect it to be so easy. As soon as he called forth his dragon spirit and embraced the magic within him, he felt an ancient power filling him. It spread through his entire being until he felt fully merged with his dragon spirit.