Page 67 of Cross Point
Chapter Twenty-Six
They arrived at the resort amidst a horde of other vehicles. When they pulled up to the entrance, Jackson got out of the town car Maxwell had sent to pick them up first, then he turned to help Trinity.
She sighed as he frowned at her again. “Why are you looking at me like that?”
“That slit is pretty damn high,” he muttered, looking down at her leg showing as she got out of the car.
“Just consider it easy access for you.”
She laughed as he cursed. Maxwell smiled at her after he came around the side of the car and placed her hand on his arm.
“Are you teasing Jackson again, love?”
“Yep. He just makes it so easy.”
“Keep that up,” Jackson whispered in her other ear. “And I’ll spank you for it later.”
She fluttered her lashes at him. “Promises, promises.”
They climbed the stairs as a unit, her holding onto both their arms. They got their share of attention from the staff and patrons as they made their way into the hotel and through to the ballroom where the charity auction was being held.
The ballroom was a splendor of white and gold. Gossamer curtains in shimmering gold hung between the large, white columns that frame the room, highlighted by spotlights pointing up from the floor. Elaborate crystal chandeliers bathed the entire room in more light, and tastefully dressed tables filled more than half of the massive space.
At the far end of the room was a small stage that would be used for the auction portion of the evening. Right now, a string quartet was seated onstage, playing a selection of classical pieces and adding to the elegant ambiance.
Trinity, Maxwell, and Jackson were forced to greet a number of guests as they made their way through the room. Everyone local in the room knew Jackson, and it seemed like all of the wealthy patrons who had been invited to the special event wanted a moment of Maxwell’s time. She was impressed when Maxwell’s voice turned ice cold with any man who looked at her with more than a polite glance, but the way men scrambled back from Jackson’s growls made her want to laugh.
They certainly were a pair of possessive males.
And they were all hers.
She had her own territory to claim as a number of women tried to eye-fuck her men. Confident in her own appeal, Trinity let a seductive smile tilt her lips as she met their envious gazes. She also took every opportunity to brush up against her men, making it clear they belonged to her.
“Keep that up, you wildcat,” Jackson said through clenched teeth. “And I’m going to bend you over one of these tables and fuck you blind.”
“That sounds like fun,” she purred back, making him groan.
Jackson was pulled away by his chief, and after being introduced, Trinity left them to talk shop and went looking for Maxwell, who had been pulled away by people clamoring to speak to him. She found him talking to Pamela Riviera. She had on a vibrant red dress and was practically rubbing up on him as she leaned closer than was proper.
There was nothing subtle about Trinity’s approach as she slid her arm around his waist and forced the other woman to step back.
“There you are, love,” Trinity whispered, knowing how much it pleased him when she called him that. “We should probably be seated soon.”
“Of course, my love,” Maxwell said before he kissed her softly. His eyes gleamed knowingly as he smiled at her. “Darling, you remember Pamela Riviera?”
“Oh.” Trinity batted her lashes as if she just noticed the other woman who was glaring daggers at her. “Nice to see you again, Ms. Riviera. You look lovely this evening.”
“Likewise,” Pamela Riviera said, not meaning it in the least. “Excuse me, I must rejoin my family. Maybe we’ll get a chance to speak again later,” she said, casting a glance at Maxwell, who answered in a noncommittal hum as she walked away.
“You let that skank touch you again, and I’m going to have to detox you before I let you back into bed,” Trinity hissed as she turned around.
Maxwell grabbed her in a firm yet gentle hold. “Tell me you aren’t jealous, love. You know you are the only woman I want.”
She huffed out a breath. “I know, but still. I can’t punch her in her pretty face at this nice event, so I have to bitch about it instead. I don’t like her. I really don’t like her.”
“Tell you what,” he said as he pulled her hips closer so that their bodies were flush together. “If she approaches me again tonight, I’ll make sure to molest you in front of her.”
A slow smile spread across her face. “I like the sound of that.” She felt a hard body brush up against her back and reached behind her to grab hold of Jackson’s hand.