Page 58 of Offensive Plays
“Let’s just… use each other for sex. No strings attached. No expectations. No brothers or teammates finding out.”
He leans back and crosses his arms, narrowing his eyes at me as he does.
“What?” I ask.
“You’re so sure that we can do that? Sneak around?”
I reach for the butter and slather it onto my bread before popping it into my mouth. “Why not? People do it all the time in the movies.”
“And it never works out. Somebody is guaranteed to fall in love when all is said and done.”
“In the movies,” I emphasize. “This is real life, Michael. We’re in control. Not some movie director or script writer.”
He brings a hand up to his jaw and rubs it while he looks at me.
“So? What do you think?”
“We’ll need to have, you know, ground rules.”
I feel butterflies in my stomach. He didn’t shoot it down.
“Of course,” I say trying not to show my excitement.
Ever since finding out that strangerDanger23 and Michael Ferguson were one and the same, I haven’t been able to look at him without thinking about what could have been.
“Nothing that will give us away in public. People will have to see us as only friends.”
“Only friends,” I agree. “And we should have each other’s numbers saved on our phones as something other than our real names, just in case.”
“Good point,” he says, pulling out his phone and placing it on the table.
He pulls up my contact. He has me saved as Lib. And he changes it to butterfly.
My core pulses.
I pull out my phone and change Fergie to stranger. We look at each other and nod.
“What about… limits?” He asks, his voice low.
I swallow. “Limits?”
He nods. “How far are we willing to go?”
“As long as we don’t get caught… no limits,” I say, reaching for yet another piece of bread.
He clocks the motion and smiles. “No limits,” he repeats.
“I can get pretty creative,” I assure him.
He leans forward, interest piqued. “So can I, butterfly.”
I gulp down the bread and reach for the water.
“And we should always use protection. I’m on birth control but… we shouldn’t take any chances.”
“Agreed,” he says with a nod.
“Okay,” I breathe, watching him over the rim of my glass. “Anything else?”