Page 2 of Silver Linings
Gunner dragged his hand over his face. “Jesus.”
“Go get settled in.”
“Yeah, okay.”
Gunner grabbed the bag at his feet and hauled it up over his shoulder. Stepping into his bedroom was like jumping right back into being eighteen. The feeling of being excited about what his career in the Navy was going to hold for him slammed back into Gunner like a freight train. His mom hadn’t moved a single thing, and a strange pit formed in his stomach, knowing there were only a handful of days left where he would ever be under the same roof as his mom and sister. It was the end of his family as he knew it. That thought brought back the same thick feeling in his throat that seeing his mother just a few minutes before had.
After a quick shower, Gunner threw on a pair of jeans and headed towards the living room. Much to his surprise, his mom was no longer in her recliner. Maybe she had woken up and wanted to go back to her room?
Turning back down the hall, movement behind the kitchen counter caught his eye. There, at the island, sat a very familiar girl he’d thought about a time or two over the years he spent away.
He could only see from about her shoulders up, thanks to the laundry basket set on the counter top, but that bright cool blonde hair hadn’t changed.
Fuck, her face was still so cute. The sun-kissed freckles that dotted her nose were in full bloom. Her cheeks were rounder than he remembered, but she still had that girl next door look that had caught his attention when they were growing up.
Gunner moved into the kitchen quietly until vibrant green eyes pinned him with curiosity. He watched as the eyes dipped over every inch of his body, smiling when they widened at the realization that he was shirtless. Her strawberry red lips parted before she snapped them closed, raising an eyebrow at him.
“Hey, neighbor.” He should have known she would be there. Gia and Lily Bennett had been best friends for as long as he could remember, and even if she hadn’t been, he knew the blonde pixie would have been there for his mom. The two of them had a bond that was more like mother and daughter than old neighbors.
“Gunner.” Her smile was so bright, but her eyes were tired, filled with something he couldn’t quite place. “It’s been such a long time. You look good.”
Her cheeks flushed, and he shoved his hands into his pockets. “Yeah, you do to Lily Kate.”
She laughed.
“I don’t think anyone has used my full name since you moved away.”
“Sorry,” he grumbled.
“Don’t be sorry. I like it.” She pushed off the bar stool she was sitting on and moved out from behind the counter. Gunner’s heart fell into his stomach as he took her in, giant baby bump and all.
A groan built in his throat. He was just lusting after a pregnant woman. A very pregnant woman, from the look of things.
“Jesus, Lil. You’re pregnant?”
“What?” She grabbed a stack of towels off the counter and placed them into the basket.
He nodded towards her belly.
“Oh,” she laughed as she ran her hand over her bump. “Yeah. I guess I am, huh? I’m surprised G didn’t tell you.”
“Wait. Why are you folding our laundry?”
“Ah, another thing Gia failed to mention to you, I see.” She picked up the laundry basket and moved it over to her hip, slapping away Gunner’s hand as he reached to take it away from her. “I’m working. Your sister hired me to care for your mom. It’s just a few hours a day, but I know the break has been nice for her, and I love getting to spend one-on-one time with Jules.”
“You’re the home helper? Should you still be working? I mean, you look like you’re about to have that baby.” He walked over and placed his hand on her arm. “Hand that basket over. You shouldn’t be carrying anything.”
Her eyes went wide as he took the basket from her. “Wow, Gunner. Not holding anything back,” Lily sighed. “I’ll have you know that my due date is still a few weeks away. And besides, women work all the time while they’re pregnant. I want to be here for Juliette. She’s always been such a positive force in my life. I want to squeeze out every minute I can with her.”
She worried her bottom lip between her teeth and twisted what looked suspiciously like an engagement ring around on her finger. Fuck. He’d lusted after a very pregnant and very engaged Lily Bennett. What the hell was wrong with him?
“Sorry. It’s been a long day.” He ran his hand through his hair. “How are your parents?”
Her shoulders tensed and he could tell even after all these years, it was still a sore subject for her. Damn, he’d really been hoping things between them were better.
“Wouldn’t know. They stopped talking to me the day they found out their daughter got knocked up without being married first.”