Page 23 of Silver Linings
“I love it so much, Jules. But wouldn’t you rather save it for Gia?”
“You’re my daughter too now, Lily. I want you to have it. Maybe it can be Gia’s something borrowed on her day. And it can be from the both of us.”
“I love that idea. Thank you so much, Juliette.”
“We’re a blessed family, getting to add you and the baby to our ranks today.”
“Do you feel up to eating something this morning?”
“No, honey. But could you help me wash up a bit? I want to look nice today.”
“Of course, Jules. I’d love to.”
“Gunner’s out front. Are you ready?”
Lily nodded, pulling her purse strap back over her shoulder. She’d checked five times already that the documents she’d need were in there. “Do I look okay?”
“You look beautiful.” Gia pulled her into a hug. “I’m so excited that today we’re becoming sisters. Even if things are weird and this isn’t the way you thought your wedding day would be, I’m so happy about you officially joining our family.”
“I love you, Gia.”
“I love you too, Lily.” She wiped a tear from her face. “I know I need to stay with mom, but I really wish I could be there.”
“It’s just the formal stuff. Boring. I’m counting on you to come up with a really funny and sweet ceremony for when we come back. I know it will mean so much to your mom.”
“Of course. And now that I’m ordained thanks to a fifty-dollar fee to that online church, I can’t wait to put my new qualifications to use.”
“You didn’t need to do that, G. We’re getting legally married at the courthouse.”
“Oh, well, maybe I can start offering my services as a wedding officiant when I’m not teaching.”
“You should. That’s an amazing idea.” They shared a laugh. “As much as I would love to continue stalling while my nerves go crazy, I better get out there. The baby has already made me head into the bathroom twice to pee. If I wait around any longer, it’s going to be three times.”
Lily and Gia hugged one more time, and as Lily stepped out onto the porch, she touched the broach now pinned to her chest. It was nice feeling like the Brooks women were with her, even if it was just in spirit.
“I want you to keep me updated, Gage. The minute she wakes up. The minute you have a lead on the fucker. When Cap signs his okay on the death warrant. I want to know.”
Lily’s heart pounded in her ears. Even when serious, Gunner had never sounded so vicious. So cold. Gunner threw his phone to the ground as his head fell into his hands.
“Gunner, what’s going on?” she asked as she walked towards him.
“Lil? Fuck, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have acted like that.”
“It’s okay. Just tell me what’s going on.”
When she looked into his eyes, she could see the turmoil threatening to swallow him up. Automatically, her hand went to his arm for support.
“Remember how I said my job is still dangerous?” Lily nodded, unable to speak with the worry constricting her throat. “The woman my team was protecting, my boss’s girlfriend, well… she was attacked last night. That was what the call was about. We didn’t keep her safe. And now, she might not survive.”
“Gunner, I don’t…I’m so sorry. Do you want to go back to Texas and be with your team?”
Gunner looked towards the house, conflict written all over his face.
“Yes. No. Fuck.” His whole body went rigid. “I want to be with my team, but I know I need to be here.”
Silence swam around them for so long that Lily wondered if they were actually going to go through with the whole thing. She wouldn’t blame Gunner if he wanted to change their plans.
“You need to know that I plan on going back to Texas after mom passes.” Gunner confessed, finally breaking the silence. “It’s where I live now.”