Page 42 of Silver Linings
“You’re exhausted and recovering from a major medical event. I’m sorry I didn’t see it before now. You don’t need to get out of this bed. Just rest. Sage was getting a little fussy, so I figured she needed to nurse, but as soon as she’s done, I’ll take her back out to the living room and you can have some dinner and then sleep some more.”
Normally she would have devoured the plate of pasta and garlic bread he’d brought in, but the thought of food made her stomach flip.
“Could you get me a glass of water?”
“Sure. Do you need anything else?”
“Maybe some more medicine for my headache? I don’t think the last dose helped.”
“It hasn’t gone away?” Worry etched its way onto his face and she tried to smile.
“I promise I’m fine. I get this way when I’m overtired. I’ll start nursing her while you’re gone.” Lily reached out as Gunner slid the baby into her arms.
“If you’re sure?” Something about the look he was giving her made Lily think nothing would actually convince him she was fine.
“Yes. Oh, were you able to call the pediatrician?”
“Yeah. She’s all set with an appointment the day after tomorrow. And I’ve figured out everything with our flight to Texas, as long as her doctor gives us the okay to take her.”
“I’m sure he will. We just have to be careful to not let strangers get in her space. A little tough to do on a commercial flight, but I’m sure it will be okay. People have to fly with newborns all the time. I’ve got it all figured out, Lil. Try not to worry about it too much, okay?”
Lily nodded, already bringing Sage to her breast where the baby rooted for a minute before latching.
God, she really felt terrible. Maybe she was coming down with the flu? Or maybe it was mastitis? Her pregnancy book had included an entire chapter on the symptoms for breastfeeding moms, and the details had been pretty graphic and scary. Her vision blurred, and she tried to blink the room back into focus.
She was safe in her bassinet, happy as a stuffed little dumpling after her midnight nursing session. Lily had insisted that Gunner leave the baby with her after she tried to eat some of the dinner he’d brought into her room. After all, the poor guy had been stuck on baby duty all day while she slept.
Her headache had been getting worse all day but now the pain in her chest was making it hard to breathe. Should she wake Gunner and ask for help again? If it was mastitis, she could just get an antibiotic in the morning, without having to fuss or wake him up.
Nausea swelled in her belly and she wobbled as fast as she could to the bathroom that connected their bedrooms together. The pain under her ribs was unbearable, and she cried out between each contraction of her stomach that emptied what little dinner she’d had into the toilet.
The door leading to Gunner’s room swung open, and Lily felt his questioning gaze hit her before he was fully in the room.
“Jesus, Lil, are you okay?” He lifted his hand to her forehead.
“I don’t know what’s wrong,” she cried. “My head feels like it’s about to split in two and it hurts to breathe.”
“Fuck.” She felt the breeze around her as he moved from the bathroom. He was back a minute later. “Lil, that paper the doctor had us hang up on the fridge for you after we came home from the hospital?”
All she could muster was a weak nod before another bout of retching took over.
“Shit.” Gunner crouched beside her and ran his hand across her back. “Your face is pretty swollen, baby. Okay. You’re going to be okay, Lil. Listen, I think it could be postpartum preeclampsia. I’m going to call for an ambulance and we’re going to go to the hospital.”
“No. Sage.” The entire room was blurry, and she tried to blink away the fog, but it wasn’t budging. “Gunner. I c-can’t see right.”
Gunner moved behind her, and before she could protest, he had her in his arms. “Shh. Sage is fine. As soon as the paramedics get here, I’ll get Gia. She’ll watch her until we know what’s going on.”
“Can’t leave her…” the sound of her voice was distant and garbled. All she wanted to do was curl up in the warmth of Gunner’s arms and sleep until she felt better. She was safe now; he’d make sure she was okay. As she heard his voice talking in the background of her mind, she felt herself give over to the darkness, pulling her away.
He looked down at Lily’s closed eyes as her body relaxed in his arms. Fuck, she was totally out of it. Gunner could hear the siren from an ambulance getting closer. He pressed his lips to her head. “It’s going to be okay, Lily Kate. You hear me? You’re going to be just fine.”
God, he hoped that was true. Why hadn’t he paid more fucking attention when the doctor was talking about the warning signs he should monitor her for? She’d been so adamant about feeling okay. He should have pressed her harder. He should have called her out and brought her to see a doctor. He would never fucking forgive himself if she wasn’t okay.
“Hey, what’s going on?” Gia stood up from the couch, alarm written all over her face as he sat on the sofa with Lily draped across his lap.