Page 61 of Silver Linings
“Like hell I don’t. I’m coming with you.”
“Gunner. You promised to put Sage down for the night. She can’t be at a bar.”
“Davney’s is a restaurant, too.”
“You know what I mean.”
His eyes raked up and down her body again as he shook his head back and forth. “I’m going.”
She sighed, crossing her arms over her chest. Two could play at that game. “Then I’m not.”
“What?” he growled.
“You heard me. I’m just going to stay here.” Lily turned back to the mirror one last time, but looking at the reflection, she saw Gunner had left the room. What the hell was his problem? She’d shuffle back to her room, change into her pajamas, and send Mae a message to leave without her.
Stepping out of his room, Lily slammed right into a brick wall. No. Not an actual wall. Although her face might bruise in the coming days from slamming into the rock-hard muscles of his chest.
Warm hands wrapped around her arms and pushed her backwards gently.
“Sorry. I went to get your purse. You’re going out, Lil. I overreacted.”
Her head hurt from the emotional whiplash. “Okay.”
“Good.” His hand moved towards her face, and for just one fleeting moment, she leaned closer, thinking he was going to kiss her. Instead, he swept her hair behind her ear and she felt her body flush with disappointment.
“Use the card I gave you to buy drinks or whatever tonight. Don’t accept a drink from anyone else, got it?”
“I’m married, Gunner. Ring on my finger and all. I would never disrespect you like that. And besides, why would anyone try to buy me a drink?”
Gunner ran his hand over his face. “You really don’t see it, do you?”
“See what?”
His eyes closed for a second. “Just promise me, Lil. I want you to have fun. I want you to relax and let loose. And I want to be the only man to buy your drinks.”
“I promise.”
Twenty minutes later, staring down the actuality of leaving her daughter to go to a bar with a woman she barely knew and her friends, she panicked.
“Maybe I shouldn’t go out tonight with the girls.” Lily rocked Sage back and forth by the apartment door, trying to come up with any excuse not to leave. “I mean, Sage really isn’t big enough for me to be away from her, and isn’t it selfish to not be here if she needs me?”
“Lil, you’re going. It’s not selfish to do things that fill up your tank, too. You deserve to have friends and to have fun. Besides, I’ve got everything covered here, and you’re only a phone call away if I think she needs you. But I promise, everything is going to be fine.”
“I know it will be, but I can’t stop feeling so guilty.”
“I bet a lot of moms feel that way, but I promise, it’s not selfish. You taking the time you need to be someone outside of being a mom just helps you be a better mom in the long run.”
“Yeah, okay. Take her before I lose all my steam.” Lily placed Sage in Gunner’s arms and kissed the top of her forehead. “I’ll come right away if she needs me. It’s only a few blocks to walk.”
“Do not walk home alone, Lil. Have Mae bring you back. Or if you guys all drink and need a ride, call me.”
“It’s not that far…” a deep rumble from Gunner’s chest had her stopping mid-sentence. “Okay. I’ll make sure Mae brings me home or we have a safe ride.”
“Have a good time.” Gunner shocked the hell out of her by bending down and kissing her cheek. “Sprout and I are going to have lots of daddy-daughter fun.”
“Stay out of trouble, you two,” Lily said as she tried not to lift her hand to linger over the spot on her cheek where his lips had just been.