Page 38 of Peace Under Fire
“Anyway,” she forced a smile, ignoring her hot face, “I’m sorry for staring.”
Brick winked at her. “We’re good. A guy would have to be an ass to get all pissy over a pretty woman’s appreciation.”
Mandy’s lips quirked. Did Jacob realize his friend had just called him an ass—even if it had been unintentional?
Jacob snorted, splitting his glare between her and his friend.
Mandy ignored her old crush and smiled at their escort. “Thank you for coming to get us.”
Brick smiled back. “My pleasure.”
“Oh, for fuck’s sake.” Jacob growled with another glare, “Just get in the damn car. We need to get on the road.” Turning, he stalked back to his truck.
The spiderweb of wrinkles at the corners of Brick’s eyes crinkled as he thoughtfully watched Jacob walk away. After a moment he shook himself and turned back to Mandy. “He’s right. Let’s get you in the car.” He backed up a few steps and opened the rear door. “Climb on in. The plastic bag on the floor is for you.”
“For me? Really?” She paused momentarily before following him to the car and sliding into the rear seat.
“I got here early so I grabbed a few things to disguise you. Picked up drinks and snacks too.” He lifted his chin toward the cooler on the seat beside her.
She smiled gratefully. “Something to drink sounds lovely,”
“Help yourself.” He offered her another friendly smile as he closed the door.
She fastened her seat belt and then pulled up the cooler lid. “Wow,” she said, in admiration as Brick opened the driver’s door and slid behind the wheel. “You thought of everything.”
Which wasn’t a lie. The cooler was stuffed with cans of pop and bottles of water, along with single serving cartons of yogurt, sticks of cheese, small bowls of fruit, and several packaged sandwiches. She plucked out a bottle of water and let the cooler lid fall.
Brick twisted in his seat and caught her gaze. “Grab something to eat, too. You look like you could use the energy.” The concern in his eyes took the sting from his observation.
“I look that bad, huh?” she asked wryly, remembering the sallow, dirty face reflected in Jacob’s sunglasses. Her hand automatically lifted to the lump on the side of her head.
He hesitated. “You look exhausted.”
Which was a polite way of saying she looked like shit.
His gaze shifted to her temple and his expression gentled. “Your head must be aching to hell and back. Squish went to grab his first aid kit. He has painkillers in there.”
She relaxed beneath the warmth and concern he exuded. Too bad she wasn’t attracted to him. But regardless of his amazing eyes, and great personality, he didn’t give her chills, thrills, or stomach flips. Not like Jacob did. Which was just too flipping bad.
Of course, she stared thoughtfully out the window as Jacob closed on the SUV with that purposeful, powerful stride that sent prickles of heat through her lady parts. Jacob might set her hormones on fire, but he didn’t need to know that, did he? In fact, she had the perfect opportunity to convince him her interest had moved on to another man.
Another gorgeous, sexy, and nice man. Piece of cake, right? Any normal, red-blooded woman would be attracted to Brick. No doubt she’d be attracted to him herself if Jacob hadn’t poisoned her libido. Now she just needed to convince the asshat headed her way that she had no further interest in him. Maybe the news would improve his disposition.
She’d have to strike a delicate balance though. She’d have to show enough interest in Brick to convince Jacob her earlier infatuation with him was over. Yet she didn’t want to lead Brick on or convince him she was open to a relationship when she wasn’t. So, she needed to be honest with the man, explain to him what was going on.
Too bad she didn’t have time to do so now, before Jacob joined them again. But there was certain to be another opportunity. At some point, Jacob would leave them alone, and she would explain why she was acting like a vamp. Maybe Brick would even agree to reciprocate her fake interest. He wasn’t wearing a wedding ring. Although, a man like him, one who looked like a Greek God, and was nice to boot, he probably had someone back home. She frowned over that, then shrugged the worry aside. She’d deal with that possibility if it ever came up.
“You have the most amazing eyes,” Squish mimicked in a bitchy falsetto as he stomped his way to his truck. “They’re so incredibly blue.”
He sneered and jerked open the truck’s passenger door. The first aid kit was on the floor in the back. He pulled the lever to pop the seat forward and leaned in to grab the red, canvas bag. After backing out of the truck, he slammed the door so hard, the crack of it closing sounded like a rifle report.
Holding the first aid bag by its canvas handle, he stalked back to the SUV. If he'd known how fast she’d fall under Brick’s blue-eyed spell, he’d have made alternative arrangements for her safety. But at least Brick had gotten her into the RAV4. Maybe that would stop her drooling. Not to mention those idiotic compliments.
She wanted to paint Brick?
What the hell? Her behavior was ridiculous.