Page 45 of Shadow Blind
The airfield was surrounded by a chain-link fence topped with razor wire. Tag drove through the open gate. The runway was cracked and discolored, while the grass surrounding it was stringy and yellow. Clusters of rusted metal buildings followed the fence line. A white jet squatted in the middle of the runway, sunlight bouncing off its gleaming white paint.
Accompanied by the ping of kicked-up gravel, Trammel’s SUV closed on the plane. The four men huddled next to the plane’s lowered staircase straightened. As the SUV slowed and then stopped, one man stepped away from the group.
Aiden. She recognized him instantly. Six-plus feet of lean, sculpted sexiness. Broad shoulders that went on forever. A muscled, impressive chest. Flat abs and trim hips. Short, black hair gleaming beneath the late afternoon sun. He closed on the SUV with a powerful, fluid stride. Her breath caught as she watched him come. Lord, she could watch this man move all day, and bask in his power and strength.
Why was she breaking up with him again? It was hard to remember when the epitome of sexiness was headed her way. And then he was there, yanking open the passenger door and pulling her into his hard, muscular arms.
“Fuck, babe, it’s good to see you,” he whispered, his hot breath stirring the hair at her temple.
His arms tightened around her waist, sealing her against his chest. For the longest time, he simply held her, his embrace rigid and intense. Comforting.
You’re breaking up with him, remember? This warmth will vanish once he leaves again. You’ll be left with emptiness and anger and endless days to fill.
But the warning was lost within his arms, when he was embracing her like he never wanted to let her go, when his heart was a steady, comforting thump against her ear. Even the press of his gun, which was holstered just beneath his armpit, did nothing to quell the contentment. He pulled away to press a gentle kiss to her forehead. And then his mouth found hers. The kiss was tender rather than hungry. A gentle stroke against her lips, a caress brimming with relief, with the promise he’d keep her safe…that everything was going to be okay.
His gentleness, the sense of being protected…treasured…loved…melted every atom in her body. Her bones and muscles liquified. She relaxed into him. With a deep, guttural sigh, his arms tightened around her. The kiss deepened. Their tongues came out to play—teasing and stroking. His hands spread out, caressing her back, and then massaging her shoulders, before skimming down her arms.
That’s when he froze, and then pushed her away.
“What. The. Fuck?” Just like that, the tenderness was gone, replaced by a deadly growl.
Her eyes opened to his thunderous glare. His gaze was locked on her scabby arms. A thunderstorm gathered over his chiseled face. Lightning flashed in his black eyes. His index finger lightly traced one of the scabby furrows crisscrossing her right arm.
“The cat? It did this to you?” Jerking his hand back, he shoved tense fingers through his thick black hair, leaving it tousled and sexy, and turned to glare at the back of Trammel’s SUV.
Uh oh. She took a step back and cautiously glanced behind her, where enraged rumbling rose from the open cargo area. She winced. Demi thrust her body between Aiden—who radiated lethal intention—and the duct-taped kennel Tram was carrying around the corner of the SUV. She stopped in front of her soon-to-be-ex and braced a firm palm against his hard chest.
“You can’t kill my cat.” She paused as the ridiculous order hit the air. Of course he wouldn’t kill Trident over some stupid scratches. Aiden wasn’t unreasonable.
“Watch me.” The response was clipped and flat.
Okay, maybe he wasn’t as reasonable as she’d assumed.
She pushed harder against his chest. “I know you’re upset about the scratches, but they aren’t as bad as they look.” He snorted and stepped to the side. She moved to block him. “If you’re that worried about them, I’ll ask Kait to heal them.”
Not that she had any intention of following through on that promise. Hell, he probably hadn’t even heard the comment over the noisy theatrics coming from Trident’s crate. A solid thump hit the ground behind her. She turned in time to find Tram straightening and the kennel rocking and rolling before finally tipping over. She winced as the possessed howls coming from the duct-taped, plastic carrier climbed even higher.
Her hand still pressed hard against his chest; she turned back to Aiden. “Yes, he’s loud. And yes, he scratched me.” Bit her, too, but she left that out. “He’s scared and hurting and not accustomed to people. He needs understanding and kindness—not threats.”
He took a deep breath. Held it. Let it out gradually. Slowly, the muscles against her palm softened. “What the hell’s that cat doing here, anyway? Tag said you were taking him to his vet.”
Demi shrugged and eyed him cautiously. “They couldn’t take him.”
He scoffed beneath his breath. “Wouldn’t take him is more like it. He’s not getting on the plane.” His tone hardened. “He will not hurt you again.”
She stiffened and backed up several steps, her hand returning to her side. “I’m responsible for him. Where I go, he goes.”
“Tram can take him back to Coronado and drop him off at an animal shelter.” Aiden’s voice was adamant.
“Absolutely not.” Demi’s voice rose, the vet’s comment about special needs cats and the high risk of euthanasia still fresh in her mind. “A shelter would kill him. He needs help, Aiden, not a death sentence.”
Aiden split his glare between the kennel and her scabby arms. “For Christ’s sake, Demi, look what that asshole has already done to you. Cat claws are full of bacteria. You’re risking an infection.”
Her annoyance melted. His anger on her behalf, as well as his concern for her health, was kind of sweet. But she still wasn’t abandoning Trident. “He’s hurt and scared. I’m not ditching him.”
“Then we have a problem.” Aiden crossed his arms over his broad chest, his face implacable. “Because that kennel is not joining us on the plane.”
“Fine. Then I won’t be either.” Her smile was full of teeth and snark. She turned to Tram. “Would you take me to the nearest car rental agency?”