Page 58 of Shadow Blind
Kait mentioned during one of their phone calls that she’s started creating stained glass panels and windows. Demi saw some of those creations glowing in the house’s windows. Like most of Kait’s art, the panels were full of vivid colors and comically drawn animals. There were dramatically colored birds with excessively long legs and necks, yet with fuzzy torsos. Raccoons with elongated hands and confused faces. A mountain lion smothered in dandelion fluff.
Fifteen years ago, they’d bonded through photography. But Kait had already been making a name for herself as a blown glass artist whose work was steeped in vibrancy and color. That love of color was visible in the crimson blankets thrown over the porch swing and the bright blue cushions on the rocking chairs to the left of the front door.
Where she didn’t see Kait was in the house’s color—which was dark. Very dark. Even with the light streaming through the windows, she couldn’t tell what color the exterior was. Maybe charcoal. Maybe navy blue. Cosky, according to Kait, was the kind of guy who surrounded himself with dark, solid colors—on his clothes, his cars, and no doubt his houses. The exterior of their house felt like all Cosky, or maybe a compromise between the two of them.
Cosky’s dark exterior, protecting Kait’s sunny interior.
Compromise and the merging of tastes came with time and proximity. Kait and Cosky had been living together for three years now. They shared their lives, a bed, breakfast, and dinner. Demi’s eyes drifted to the swing. An ache filled her chest. Kait’s man was home for the quiet moments, for the squeak of the rocking chairs, or huddling beneath blankets on the swing. It was those quiet moments that built a life…that led to a home.
This was what she’d had with Donnie. It’s what she’d wanted with Aiden.
She shook her head and swallowed hard. The lump in her throat tasted like sorrow and broken dreams.
The front door flew open, banishing the unwelcome bout of melancholy. Kait flew across the porch and down the stairs. Demi took several steps forward and then they were wrapped in each other’s arms.
“I can’t believe you’re finally here!” Kait half screamed, before pulling back. She grinned and flicked Demi’s bangs. “I love your hair. That bluish-green suits you.”
Demi laughed. “Wait until it grows out and my normal mousy color comes through. I’ll look like a mess then.”
“Mousy?” Kait shook her head so hard her long, golden braid almost slapped Demi across the face. “You could never look mousy. Or a mess. You’re always beautiful.”
Which wasn’t true. Had never been true. But that was the beauty of Kait. She truly believed what she said.
“If anyone’s gorgeous, it’s you.” Demi pushed Kait back to scan her from head to toe. “Alaska certainly agrees with you. You’re glowing.”
A weird, almost hesitant look lightened Kait’s brown eyes. She glanced toward Cosky.
“What’s wrong?” Demi glanced behind her. Cosky and his buddies were still huddled together. Nothing seemed off back there.
When Kait turned back to her, the tentative look was gone. “Nothing. I’m just so glad Wolf’s finally agreed to let you come visit.”
Wolf, aka Kait’s half-brother, had been the one to prevent her from visiting? Demi bristled. What had she ever done to the asshat to make him so hostile toward her?
Kait must have picked up on Demi’s annoyance, because she squeezed her hand. “Don’t blame him. There are still people after Marcus, and they know about me. If they knew the two of us were friends, they could follow you up here. Wolf’s anal about the security around this place.”
“Your brother’s excuses sound more paranoid than anal.”
Kait grimaced and for a moment darkness stalked her face. “Trust me, he has his reasons.”
“I’m sorry.” Dismayed by the shadows suddenly swimming across her friend’s face, Demi caught Kait’s hand and squeezed. “I shouldn’t have been so dismissive about Wolf’s concerns. Let’s change the subject. The Christmas lights and the stained-glass panels in your windows are beautiful. They’re so…you.” She paused before adding quietly. “You look so happy.”
Or she had, until Demi had crapped all over their reunion.
A huge smile split Kait’s face and filled her eyes. “I’ve never been happier.”
Demi believed her. Kait had always been gorgeous, but she seemed to glow now. Tall and lean, with curves that caught men’s attention—even grumpy ones, like her adoring husband—she’d always stood out in a crowd. And that was before people got a look at her hair. Her long, golden, Rapunzel-esque hair. Since she usually caged her thick tresses in a braid, most people never saw the full glory. But Demi had seen it loose, and hell’s bells, was it ever stunning.
But truly, the most beautiful thing about Kait was the fact she was as lovely on the inside as the outside. Not a bitchy bone in her body. She was the best friend Demi had ever had. And she’d missed her so much over the past three years. Phone calls and vacations had kept them in touch, but it didn’t come close to the bond they’d shared when they’d lived in the same building.
Kait linked her arm with Demi’s, then pulled back to study Demi’s face. “Marcus says those horrible men didn’t hurt you.” She scanned Demi’s body next, lingering, like she was looking for signs of hidden trauma. “But knowing my big lug of a husband, he’d whitewash what happened to prevent me from worrying. So please, tell me the truth. How are you?”
Demi considered the question. “Honestly? I’m fine. I wasn’t hurt. They never even touched me. I distracted them by convincing them to help me get Trident into his kennel.” She blew out a breath and smiled ruefully. “It was rather anticlimactic to be honest. I expected a battle, maybe a gun fight, when Tag and Tram showed up. Instead, Aiden’s buddies had those guys zip-tied and on the ground in seconds. No fuss, no struggle. Not even a punch thrown.”
Kait considered that, her worried expression disappearing. “That’s because you distracted the bad guys. You kept them occupied so the good guys could get a jump on them. Thank God you’re so levelheaded and clever.” She turned, scanning the driveway until her gaze fell on the kennel. “That must be your cat. Let’s get him inside and out of that crate. I’m sure he needs to use the kitty facilities.”
Arms linked, they started toward the cat. With each step, Demi felt her tension ease. Being with Kait felt so normal, like they hadn’t been separated by thousands of miles and new relationships.
Kait was the only close friend she had. She had Aiden, of course, but not as a friend. A lover? Sure. But friend? Not so much. She’d been friends with Donnie, as well as lovers. They’d known each other inside and out. But her relationship with Aiden was different. Superficial even. There was still so much about him she didn’t know. Parts of him that were closed off—at least to her. But then there were parts of her that were closed off, too. They hadn’t spent enough time together to explore all the closed off spaces between them.