Page 49 of Came the Closest
I smile behind my white cloth napkin.
The man approaches our table and lifts his sunglasses onto his forehead. He glances at Colton. “Colton.”
Colton holds out a hand. “Grayson.” He looks at me, and a slow smile curves his mouth. “My fiancée, Cheyenne Kolter.”
My stomach dips. No, it barrel rolls. I find a smile because the man smiles as he reaches out to shake my hand, but it’s the first time Colton has referred to me as that. I know it’s fake, but something about the intone of his voice feels very, very real.
The man—Grayson—shifts his attention to Indi. “Indigo.”
“Professor,” she says crisply. I’m ninety-eight percent sure she’s sitting on her hands to avoid shaking his. “A displeasure, as always.”
Colton coughs to smother a laugh. I tuck my lips between my teeth and reach for my water glass. Grayson’s clean shaven cheeks dimple, but a seriousness lurks below the surface of his amusement.
“Not from where I’m standing, darling.” He winks at Indi before he squats to be nearer Milo’s eye level. “You must be Milo. My sister told me you have an affinity for sailboats.” His gaze flicks back to Indi. “As per what your brother told Syd, that is.”
Ah. Everything finally clicks. Grayson is Sydney Adair’s younger brother, likely to become Jordan’s brother-in-law eventually. Which would permanently link him and Indi.
Milo’s fingers curl around the edge of the table as he silently sizes Grayson up. “What does aff…aff…”
“Affinity,” Grayson says easily. “It means you have a deep affection—”
“He’s four,” Indi says flatly. “Layman’s terms, Prof.”
Grayson’s dark brows lift, but his attention doesn’t waver from Milo. “It means you really love something.”
Milo lights up. “Oh! Like I really love sailboats?”
“Yes. Exactly like that.” Grayson pulls an Adair Investments business card from the pocket of his slacks. “Give this to your sister if you want me to take you sailing sometime. My dad has a boat up in Balsam Falls.”
Contrary to Milo’s bubbling excitement over this idea, Indi looks like she’d rather eat a whole lemon. I want to know why this particular man ruffles her as deeply as he does, but I’ll wait until we’re alone to ask.
“Inni, did you hear?” Milo asks, cheeks rosy with excitement. “He has a boat!”
“His dad has a boat,” Indi corrects, deadpan.
“Minor detail,” Grayson counters. He straightens to an imposing height and glances around the table. “I’ve got a meeting, but I’m glad we bumped into each other. Cheyenne, it was nice to meet you.”
I dip my chin. “You as well.”
He turns his attention to Colton. “Tell my sister she’s ‘it’ for lunch next time you see her, will you? She’ll know what you’re talking about.”
Colton chuckles. “Will do.”
Grayson’s phone rings, but he pauses to make full eye contact with Indi. She lifts her chin higher, and his gaze turns serious. The interaction makes me wonder if there’s more to their loaded exchange than interest on his part and disdain on hers.
“Absolutely not,” Colton says, words punctuated by a firm shake of his head. “No.”
Indi looks at the white dress shirt with a faint pink windowpane pattern. “What did this shirt ever do to you, Casanova?”
He turns back to the wall of suit jackets. According to his frown, he doesn’t like any of them. “Do I look like a pink guy to you?”
“If Graham can wear pink,” she says, “then you can wear pink.”
Eyeing Milo while he walks around the nearby table of ties, I say, “You could just try it on.”
Colton sighs and glances over his shoulder. First at the shirt, then at me. “Fine. But I’m not saying I’ll get it.” He pauses. “It’s mostly just to pacify you two.”
I doubt that. If Indi truly likes the shirt on him, he’ll get it. He’ll make a fuss about it, certainly, but it’s physically impossible for him to say no to the people he loves.