Page 91 of Shadows of Winter
“It’s good.” He shrugged.
“It is like the ambrosia the gods enjoy after their great battles over the territories of the moon,” Isla said.
Kaylina blinked at the accolade. She hadn’t thought Isla liked it much.
Vlerion took another sip, letting it linger on his tongue as he considered it further.
“It is her calling,” Isla added. “She has no desire to become a ranger.”
“I’m aware.”
“I will speak with Targon myself,” Isla said. “Do not concern yourself further with Ms. Korbian. Tames will return her to the castle.”
“I can take her.” Vlerion waved to Crenoch. “I need to return to the city, and she’s been eager to ride a taybarri again. There’s no point in two of us making the trip.”
Crenoch whuffed and stepped closer—Kaylina almost lost her foot that time—so she could rub higher on his neck, right under his floppy ear.
“Riding bareback on a taybarri with nothing but you to grab onto isn’t appropriate for a young woman,” Isla said.
Abruptly, Kaylina realized why Isla wanted her to ride back in the carriage. Alone. Isla believed Kaylina wouldn’t be able to resist her attraction to Vlerion. If they were on a shared mount, with her arms wrapped around him, Kaylina might… what? Be so overcome by his masculinity—no, Isla had called it animal magnetism—that she would start rubbing herself all over him until he grew lustful?
Kaylina folded her arms over her chest. That would not happen. She was tempted to assert as much but didn’t want to state aloud what Isla was insinuating but not saying to her son. Besides, if Isla could get Targon off her back, Kaylina didn’t want to risk irritating her.
“She’s not a noblewoman, Mother,” Vlerion said. “I know she doesn’t care about what is considered appropriate.”
“You know less than you think,” Isla said softly, a hint of some past pain creeping into her eyes.
“Isn’t there a rule against mothers insulting their sons in front of women?”
“Absolutely no rule anywhere, no.” Isla waved to someone in the stable.
“Mother.” Vlerion gently but firmly clasped Isla’s arm and pushed it down. “This is silly. She will ride back on Crenoch.”
“Will you walk?”
“What? Four grown men may ride on a taybarri.”
“Were she a man, I would have no concerns.”
Vlerion squinted at her. Catching on?
“Walk with me, Mother,” he said coolly, lifting a hand in a silent command for Kaylina to stay where she was.
As if she planned to rush after them to eavesdrop on their conversation? She wouldn’t do such a thing. Probably.
As Vlerion and Isla walked off together, Kaylina admitted to intense curiosity. Knowing she was the subject of the conversation made it hard to ignore.
Two horses arrived. Had they been let out of their stable? Or had they escaped? Their noses butted Kaylina as they sniffed the dwindling sweets in her bag. She withdrew a few more honey drops. Crenoch’s big tongue came in, ensuring he also got more.
By the time Vlerion returned, another two horses had shown up for the sweets, and it was only between their legs that she saw his boots approaching.
“Sorry, my lord,” a young man called, running to gather the horses.
Only with reluctance and backward glances at her empty bag did they allow themselves to be led away. Crenoch held his head up and swished his tail. Nobody would lead him away.
“My mother may not have as much success talking Targon out of his plan for you as she thinks,” Vlerion said. “The animals are drawn to you. I’m convinced he’s right that you are an anrokk.”
“I’m not. It’s the honey.” Kaylina waved the empty bag.