Page 50 of Lake of Sorrow
“Even when the rewardee isn’t properly respectful?”
“In the event of extenuating circumstances, small infractions might be overlooked.” His fingers trailed over to explore her other breast as his lips shifted to her earlobe, sucking, then nipping, making pleasure ricochet through her from multiple locations.
She stifled a gasp out of some notion that she shouldn’t let him know how hot he could make her, how easily he could arouse her.
Striving for a casual tone, she asked, “Are you quoting from your book?”
The hitch in her breath might have betrayed his effect on her.
“The paragraph on rewards and rank, yes.” His fingers slid lower, nails grazing sensitive skin.
“There’s only one paragraph on that? I bet there are pages on punishment.”
He smiled as he nipped her ear again. “An entire chapter.”
That should have been repulsive, not erotic, but she struggled to find it so. With his hands so expertly stroking her body, it wouldn’t have mattered what he said. And she couldn’t help but imagine scenarios in which Vlerion might reward and punish her… in bed.
She turned her head, wanting to see him, wanting to kiss him.
He gazed back at her with unwavering intensity. Was there a dangerous glint in his eyes? The one that promised he was on the verge of turning into the beast? She didn’t think so, but passion gleamed in their blue depths, passion and lust as he bent, bringing his lips to hers.
She couldn’t keep from kissing him—didn’t want to keep from it. He tasted of honey and heat and desire. He unfastened her trousers, sending his fingers lower. His touch tantalized, promising the reward he’d spoken of.
She trembled, her body eager for more, even as she acknowledged this was playing with fire. If he was wrong about his ability to turn again, and she roused the beast, there was nowhere to hide in the open valley. Nowhere to run. She would be his—the beast’s—to do with whatever he wished.
As he touched her intimately, she struggled to retain logical thoughts, to make practical decisions. She squirmed in his arms, pushing against his hand as he rubbed her. If they had sex, would he lie her in the grass and come down atop her? Or would he take her from behind? Like an animal. Like the beast.
Her body throbbed as fantasies of both scenarios shot through her, and she gripped the back of his head, kissing him recklessly. He growled with desire of his own as she writhed, intense need like nothing she’d known scattering thoughts, making her forget all threats of danger. Never had she wanted a man’s reward so badly.
One of the taybarri roared.
Vlerion broke the kiss before she did—she didn’t want to break it—and his hands stilled. She groaned a protest as her rational mind tried to reengage. Enemies, she reminded herself. There could be enemies.
But she didn’t want enemies. She wanted Vlerion’s fingers to finish bringing her to a climax and then, if the beast stayed away, she could reward him.
A rumble of irritation emanated from his chest as he looked past her shoulder. “Where were they an hour ago?”
She turned her head and stared in horror. Not Kar’ruk but eight rangers mounted on taybarri stared across the grass at them from the valley entrance. Jankarr was with them, and he smiled when he met their eyes, but Targon was also with them. His gaze was frosty and forbidding as he looked at them. Because he knew the danger.
Vlerion hadn’t let Kaylina go. His grip tightened, as if he would refuse to. Maybe he was thinking of ordering the rangers to leave? She doubted that would work with his captain among the men. She hoped Vlerion wasn’t thinking of carrying on with them watching.
“I’m not having sex in front of anyone,” she whispered to him.
“You didn’t mind the taybarri.”
“They’re furry. And didn’t seem to care.” Kaylina caught a couple of the rangers gazing avidly at her and realized her trousers were drooping off her hips, her shirt was open, and her breasts were hanging out of her bra.
Cheeks fiery with embarrassment, she stepped out of Vlerion’s arms and hurried to fix her clothing.
She hoped his mother succeeded in getting her out of the ranger training, as she’d promised to do, because it would be awkward and even more embarrassing if she ended up in classes or weapons practice with these men.
Even though Targon was mostly glaring at Vlerion, she caught the captain checking her out and remembered comments he’d made in the past. The night they’d met, Targon had asked Vlerion if he’d enjoyed having her squirm in his arms. If Vlerion hadn’t then, he had this time. She’d been able to tell that without glancing down.
When she finished fixing her clothes, she realized Vlerion had stepped in front of her to block the rangers’ view of her. He was utterly naked with his arms folded across his chest, but he probably didn’t care if they saw him. Unless their preferences ran toward men, they wouldn’t be that interested in him. She was and lamented that they hadn’t gotten further.
Vlerion turned, putting his back to the men as they rode into the valley. His eyes were still heated, and Kaylina had a feeling he had been thinking of finishing, of bringing her to a climax even after the men had arrived. Maybe he’d even been thinking of taking her afterward, of finding his own reward. If the beast hadn’t been encroaching, that was understandable. How long had it been since he’d been with a woman, one he could take fully without worry?
“I’ll find you later,” he whispered softly, stepping forward and resting his hand on her hip while pressing his face into her hair. “If not for my pleasure, then yours.”