Page 38 of Changed
I chuckled at that. Ruya read people so easily. I didn't doubt that she had the measure of everyone in this court—including Josh and me, even if we didn't really belong.
"Tell her," I demanded in sign.
Josh sighed. "Fine. His Majesty Prince Sadavir the Intrusive insists that I tell you I've been having trouble sleeping. He suggested I might ask Yukio if he had any ideas for a tea or a sleep aid that might help."
She smiled immediately. "I know for a fact that he has a fantastic tea he can make that will put you out like a light. I've used it myself, when I first came here." She nudged Josh's shoulder with her own and I took in the lovely sight of them together. My heart warmed by their easy camaraderie. "You don't ever have to hesitate to ask for what you need, you know," Ruya continued. "Not around here. Even if you were right—which you're not—even if Yukio completely loathed you, he'd still help you. The court has taken you two in and given you sanctuary. That means you are theirs to protect. They take that sort of thing seriously. It's kind of the only rule they live by. And besides, Robin would be royally offended if she were to fail at her holy alpha duties to protect everyone around her. And Yukio wouldn't risk her wrath."
Josh grinned along with her, speaking and signing for both of us. "Well, when you put it that way, I can see your point. No one would dare offend the alpha need to be seen as the big, bad protector." He gave me a smug look that made me roll my eyes.
So, I could be a little overbearing sometimes. It was just who I was. He didn't know what it was like to share your body and soul with a creature of instinct that could short-circuit all logical thinking with pure, primal power.
I showed a bit of fang as I smiled at Josh, my eyes sliding to Ruya in a meaningful way. If he wanted to tease me about my alpha failings, I could show him just what I kept in check every hour of every day.
He silently shook his head at me, giving me a warning look. Which of course made my alpha pride just that much more intent on mischief.
I slid out of my chair and stalked toward them, Ruya none the wiser, and Josh watching me with that look that said he wanted to protest, but also knew he'd never win. "Vir," his lips moved, and I couldn't hear him, but I understood that there was probably warning in the sound.
I grinned wider and bent, pushing him backward with my body, pinning him to the bed with a hand on either side of him. His palms came to rest against my chest, but he didn't push me away. I leaned in and captured his mouth, kissing him until he bit my lower lip, forcing me to let him breathe. I pulled back to take in the flushed cheeks and heaving chest that told me I'd accomplished what I set out to do. Josh was currently too distracted to scold me.
I stood and turned to Ruya who had her head cocked to the side, clearly listening, trying to discern what was happening. I cupped her cheek in my hand, tilting her face toward me. She went so willingly, moving toward me blindly, driven by instinct. I loved it when she got riled up and bossed the whole court around—including three alphas. But her submission was beautiful as well. The way she accepted that we belonged together. That her instincts might be different from mine, but were just as strong. She called to me like a siren, and I moved, all conscious thought dispelled from my brain with just that one little motion.
Her soft lips parted under mine and I pushed her backward, as I had with Josh, pinning her to the bed and taking what I wanted. What I craved every second of the day. Mine. She was mine. Our souls were made for each other. It didn't matter that she had others. A whole court of admirers. Another alpha that was also destined to be her true mate. Ruya was a queen. She deserved my worship, my utter devotion. If she wanted me, I was hers, no matter the fallout where the rest of the world was concerned.
She looped her arms around my neck and pulled me closer, one leg wrapping around my hip, demanding friction that I was more than happy to provide as I pressed myself to her and rocked my hips. Josh sat up beside us, running a hand through his hair. His cheeks were still flushed, and his hazel eyes shone with emotion. Reaching out a hand, he dragged his fingers through my hair, then touched Ruya's cheek.
"So beautiful," he mouthed. It was probably a whisper. I doubted he even knew he was speaking. Josh didn't feel sexual desire the way we did, but that didn't mean he didn't feel. He appreciated beauty. He was a heartfelt voyeur. And I knew Ruya was as happy to oblige as I was.
I stopped kissing Ruya long enough to get a better look at Josh, to gauge what sort of thing he might be up for today. But some of my ardor cooled when I realized he was too pale. He was feeling poorly. More than just a bit tired. And here I was, letting my alpha desires run the show.
I kissed Ruya's forehead gently and slowly stood. She felt the shift in the mood and released me, sitting up to direct a blind glance between me and Josh. "What is it?" she signed. "What's wrong?"
I took her hand and placed it on Josh's, where he had it braced on the bed. She immediately turned toward the human. "Oh, no. You're feeling faint again. I'm sorry Josh. I should have thought to ask you if you were well, especially after this morning!"
I could sense the warm healing energy she poured into our human, bolstering him and healing him. This was part of what made this woman so perfect. Made my animal nature want to claim her and tie her to us for life. She didn't question Josh's importance in my life. There was no jealousy or demands for me to put her first, as there had been with my one other foolish omega lover. Ruya cared for Josh and immediately leapt to his aid. Just as he would do for her, if their situations were reversed.
I watched him soak in her healing energy. It helped. I could visibly see his skin tone improving and his posture straightening as he regained some of his energy. But… something still seemed off. I couldn't put a finger on it, couldn't even say why I felt that way. I just knew, the same way I knew he was mine to protect. Some alpha instinct then? I scowled. I wasn't sure what I was sensing.
Ruya echoed my expression, her brows drawing together slightly as she put her free hand on Josh's cheek. "It's better. But there is something there that I can't fix." Her power surged as she tried to figure out what was going on.
Josh gently withdrew from her touch. "Ruya, stop. I'm fine. Don't overextend yourself trying to treat a problem that doesn't exist."
She let him go and her expression smoothed out. But I recognized that look. It was the one she wore when she was hiding her true feelings. It was her priestess mask. Ruya was behaving. But she wasn't fooled. "You're right, of course. But let me know if you feel even a little bit ill, okay?"
At Josh's murmured assurances, she held out her hand for her teacup and gave us both a soft smile as if all was well. "So, since we foiled Sadavir's seductions attempts, what were your plans for the day?"
We chatted and joked as we sipped our tea and Josh finished straightening his room. Everything was perfectly in its place when he was done. Meticulous and orderly as always. I brushed a kiss across his cheek as Ruya and I left his room.
We were nearly to the living room when Ruya finally spoke. "He's not okay."
I took her hand and spoke aloud, careful to enunciate. "I know. He won't tell me what it is, though. Nightmares. But is that all?"
She frowned in consideration. "Maybe? Trauma can have effects on physical health as well as the mind. I'll ask Yukio to make him something to help with sleep. But… I think we should keep an eye on him."
I brought her fingers to my lips and pressed a kiss there, so thankful for her care. She had saved us from the vampires, or at least given us a reason to finally take the risk of escaping. But then she had gone beyond that. She had made sure we had a safe place to land, here with her misfit court. She wasn't content to just leave us to our own devices once we were free. And now, for the first time in years, it wasn't just me and my beloved human against the world. I was a powerful naga alpha. But… even the strongest of us need help sometimes. I hadn't realized until that very moment just how alone and isolated I had felt these past few years.
We were no longer alone, Josh and me. We had Ruya. We had friends here in this court. Cicely. Sanka. Perhaps even Martina and Dusek. And even if they resented our presence, Robin and Yukio would fight to protect us simply because we were under their protection.
It was a strange and staggering feeling. I almost felt… safe.