Page 37 of Vacation Friends
Maddie tried to make polite conversation during breakfast as Josh talked business to those around him at the table.
As people stood to get seconds, Josh’s shoulders sagged—almost as if he were exhausted from being “on.” Instead of talking to her, he glanced at his phone.
He frowned.
“Everything okay?” she asked.
He shoved the phone back into his pocket. “Yes, of course. Just trying to stay on task for the retreat. Jared’s death has been a PR nightmare.”
Despite his words, she felt certain there was something more he wasn’t telling her.
His mood could go back to what happened with Derek. Was Josh concerned the man might show up here in Hawaii for some type of revenge or something?
The possibility didn’t seem likely.
Then again, neither had finding a drowning man on her first morning here.
Maddie excused herself to get more fruit. But as she walked by the omelet bar, a conversation between two Benchmark employees waiting in line caught her ear. Though the two men spoke in low tones, she could make out some of what was being said.
“I’m not sure Josh is going to make the cut,” one of them said.
Her eyes widened. Had she just heard him correctly?
Maddie wished she knew who the man was who’d said that. But she was nearly certain both men were on the board. In other words, they were decision makers.
“Nico, on the other hand, has been very impressive,” the other man said in a hushed tone.
Nico Rankin was another vice president at Benchmark. He was older than Josh—in his early fifties—and he’d been at the company for a couple of decades. He’d been the righthand man of Josh’s father—who’d started the company.
“Let’s face it. Personally, Josh is a failure—just like his dad,” the first man said.
Just like his dad? What did that mean? Maddie had always liked Mr. Harding. For the most part, at least. Like his son, he was hard to get to know. Driven. Focused. But he’d been kind to her, even if it was in a very standoffish way.
“He’s not very personable,” the second man said. “If he wants to be named CEO, he really needs to rally support somehow. Thankfully there was a clause in his father’s trust that made it clear the board could choose someone different if his son wasn’t qualified or could ruin the company.”
Josh had made it sound like he was a shoo-in for this new job.
Did he know Nico might be named instead? Did he know about the clause? He had to . . . right?
Maddie wasn’t sure, nor was she sure she should bring it up. It seemed like a touchy subject.
As the men’s omelets were served, she grabbed her juice and made her way back to the table.
Just as Maddie took her last sip, Josh turned toward her. “Our excursion is leaving in twenty minutes. I suppose we should go meet the rest of the group.”
“That sounds perfect. I just need to change first.”
But really, the only thing she was looking forward to was knowing that Adrienne, Brody, Bree, and Fowler would be on this tour with her also.
Those four might just be her sanity—not only on this excursion, but on this entire trip.
Maddie lingered on the edge of the crowd in the massive lobby as people split up for various excursions on the island. Josh had said he didn’t care what they did so Maddie had picked the things that interested her.
Today they were riding a side-by-side on mountain trails. She was much more comfortable on land than in the air or in the water, which was what primarily made up the rest of the outings. She figured she’d ease herself into these adventures.