Page 72 of Vacation Friends
The familiar look of confusion crossed his face.
Maddie waited for it to pass.
Finally, the manager looked back at Josh. “Anyone else?”
Josh shook his head. “No.”
“Then we’ll pull up security footage. I assure you, I will get to the bottom of this if it is the last thing that I do.”
With his words still echoing in the room, Maddie’s phone buzzed.
It’s a good thing someone heard you SCREAM.
A knot lodged in her throat as she read the words from the same unknown number.
Why was someone intent on torturing her like this?
Maddie put her phone away before anyone could see the message.
Who had sent her that text?
She knew the answer—the person who’d sent the text was the same one who’d hoped she would be hurt on the balcony.
She’d briefly considered Josh. It was his idea to go out there. He was the one who’d stepped toward her causing her to take a step back.
Would he really take things that far?
She wanted the answer to be a resounding no, but she couldn’t say it was.
Right now, he paced, almost as if he were nervous.
Harris was still in the room with them, along with Brody and Adrienne. Maddie had a feeling that Josh wanted them to leave, but Maddie wanted them there. If Josh tried to make them give them some privacy, she vowed to raise a fuss.
“Unfortunately, the resort is at capacity right now, and we don’t have any other rooms to offer,” Harris said. “Is there someone else you could stay with until the balcony is fixed?”
Josh looked at her, but she shook her head.
His nostrils flared, but he kept his expression even otherwise. “If you could do a temporary fix on the balcony, I think I’ll be fine.”
“Very well.” Harris turned to the head of maintenance and asked him to get some supplies.
As he left, a woman in a navy-blue skirt and white blouse stepped inside and introduced herself as the head of IT.
“I have the security footage.” The woman went to the table, opened her laptop, and without missing a beat began typing something.
She clearly meant business.
“Here’s the person who entered your room at twelve-thirty.” She hit Play before looking back at Josh. “Do you recognize her?”
Maddie rose and stepped closer for a better look at this person.
Her eyes narrowed as she watched someone pause outside Josh’s room, glance around, and then swipe a card and step inside.