Page 78 of Vacation Friends
Maddie could have hugged her. “How did you know?”
“I was looking for a place to sit when I saw you. Then I saw Darla headed that way, and everything made sense. I knew I had to do something.”
“You’re a true lifesaver. Thank you.”
“Of course.” Adrienne frowned as she studied Maddie’s face. “Is everything okay?”
Maddie nibbled on her bottom lip. How much should she say?
She wasn’t exactly sure.
She finally settled on, “The less you know, the better.”
“I get that.” She nodded slowly.
That was when Maddie noticed that Adrienne’s eyes looked red, absent of the sparkle usually dancing in her gaze.
“What are you doing out here?” Maddie asked. “I figured you’d be helping with the concert.”
“My part is mostly done. So now I’m just enjoying the event. However, I decided I needed a little breather.”
Maddie nodded, her thoughts churning back to what had happened earlier. “Look, I want to apologize for Josh?—”
“You don’t have to apologize for him.” Adrienne frowned, but her gaze remained serious. “You’re not his keeper.”
“I know, but what he said to you wasn’t fair. It wasn’t right.” Maddie was still bothered by that conversation.
“It wasn’t. He can be a hothead at times. Then again, I guess most guys can be.” She offered a half shrug.
Something about the way Adrienne said the words caught Maddie’s attention. “Is everything okay?”
Adrienne waved her hand in the air, moisture filling her eyes. “Brody and I had a fight right before the concert. I think . . . I think I get on his nerves sometimes.”
Maddie reminded herself that not everything was about her. She’d been focusing so much on herself and her problems that she hadn’t even realized Adrienne’s turmoil.
“I’m sorry to hear that,” she murmured.
“I think I always pick the wrong type of guy. I, apparently, have a type.” She looked toward the sky, moisture still flooding her gaze.
It took Maddie a moment to comprehend what Adrienne had implied. “Are you saying Brody and Danny are alike?”
From what Adrienne had told her, Brody and Danny sounded nothing alike. Danny was a controlling stalker whereas Brody was laid-back and easygoing.
Maddie just couldn’t see it. Maybe she’d misunderstood Adrienne.
Or maybe she wasn’t ready for Brody to be knocked off the pedestal she’d placed him on.
“The two of them are more alike than I’d care to admit.” Adrienne shook her head. “I feel like I just keep kissing frogs trying to find my handsome prince.”
Maddie squeezed her arm. “He’s out there. You just have to be patient. And if he’s not out there, then you’re still a queen.”
“I like that.” Adrienne nodded slowly and pointed her finger at Maddie. “Being queen sounds pretty rad. I guess it’s just been one of those days, you know?”
Maddie let out an almost bitter chuckle. “Unfortunately, yes. I do know.”
Adrienne gave her a look. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t be complaining after what happened to you.”
“I certainly don’t have exclusivity to hard times.”