Page 95 of Vacation Friends
The realization caused a lump to form in her throat.
Was she that forgettable? Or was it the fact that maybe he hadn’t expected a woman who was dating Garrick to work a job in retail?
An hour later, he’d found his new suit, and she rang him up.
Cecilia wondered if she should bring up the fact they’d met before. What could it hurt?
She swallowed hard as she scanned another tag. “I met you at the fundraiser a while back.”
He studied her, still nothing in his gaze. “Is that right?”
“I was there with Garrick.”
Something flashed in his eyes, and then a tight smile stretched across his face. “That’s right. I thought you looked familiar. I didn’t realize you worked here.”
“I’ve been here a couple of years now.”
He observed her another moment, a strange look in his gaze. “I guess this is your side hustle?”
“My side hustle?” What did he mean by that?
Surprise fluttered through his gaze, and he shook his head. “Never mind.”
“No, I want to know.”
He stared at her again, an unreadable look in his gaze. “What’s the total?”
He was going to totally blow off her question?
Her jaw tightened. She wanted to demand that he answer.
But that would only cause a scene. And a scene might get her fired.
He wasn’t going to answer that question.
Cecilia rattled off the amount he owed, trying to remain professional.
After he paid, he looked at her another moment.
Then he winked.
What was that about?
Their whole interaction left her feeling unsettled . . . and as if she was in the dark about something.
Maddie was too restless to stay in her room.
Though she didn’t want to run into Josh, she needed to get some fresh air.
There was no better place to do that than the beach. She knew Josh would most likely be hanging out in the bar. He’d never been much of a beachgoer.