Page 27 of Falling for Fury
“And your grades? Are you ready for exams in May?”
“Yes, Dad. Ready as ever.”
“Don’t get tone with me, young lady. I asked you a question,” he spits between clenched teeth, finally having looked up from his phone.
Addy sighs and drops her fork to her plate. “Fine. I had some issues with one of my units, but the final assessment was good, so my grades are good. I could flunk the exams and I’d still pass with flying colors.” Like our interaction with Jake, Addy isn’t herself, isn’t fiery and determined, she seems… like a shell of who she is. Collapsed on herself and I hate every moment of it.
I attempt to assist in changing the subject and also so I can see those gorgeous green eyes. “Lucas told me about your interview yesterday, said he was super impressed, and is keen for you to start Sunday. That’s exciting?” My smile vanishes as she slowly turns her head to me, mouth agape and eyes wide.
Foot, meet mouth.
“What do you mean interview? Are you not at Phoenix Legal anymore?” Henry, her dad, demands from where he sits across the picnic table. We were introduced only twenty minutes ago as we made our way to their spot claimed in the BBQ area. I was presented as Matt’s friend, and he barely gave me a sideward glance. I don’t know him well but I already don’t like him. His tone towards Addison aside.
Addison’s eyes close, and a redness inches its way up her neck, spreading across her face. For fuck’s sake, this is probably another thing I’m going to have to apologize for.
“Geoff fired me about a week ago. I did what you said—I asked for more work, higher pay, and a permanent position—and again, like I told you would happen, he fired me.” She stares her dad in the eyes and laces her words with lethal calm. I don’t miss the slump of defeat in her body language, though. I go to grab her hand under the table in reassurance and she swats me away.
That is just indigestion.
Henry rolls his eyes and scoffs a humorless laugh. “Christ, Addison. I knew those trusts would be nothing but harm to you children. You’ll never learn a work ethic, always entitled and wanting what you don’t work for. Did Geoff know about the issues with your grades? Perhaps if you just focused, put in a touch of effort, you’d keep your grades up and would still have a respectable job. Did you at least try to talk him down, you know, using the skills that law degree is meant to be teaching you, and negotiate a different deal?”
Fuck this guy.
Lillian, Addison’s mom, who I also have just met, looks at Henry with disgust and then throws a sympathetic look at Addison. Lillian is a small timid thing, kind of reminds me of a chihuahua with the whole shaking, nervous vibe.
“Ignore him, Addy. He is crabby because of his stupid work. Some people don’t know how to leave work at work. What is the other job interview for?” Lillian asks with a head tilt and a condescending tone.
“Bozzelli’s, Noah’s friend owns it, he helped set me up with Lucas,” Addison says, poking her fork around the food on her plate.
“A bar?! You leave a secure job at a law firm to sling shots like some hussy at a bar. No child of mine would work at such a venue.” Henry’s tone drips with disdain and misplaced superiority.
Fury, meet limit.
Whether it’s the fact I don’t want to have to apologize to Addison for another thing, or just pure shock that this guy is the parent to four children and speaks this way, but fuck. It takes all my self-control to not throw him in the lake with Jake.
“Oh, a bar job sounds… nice? Perhaps that is just more your speed.” Lillian tilts her head in sympathy and offers a fake smile.
“Mom, stop.” Ava glares at Lillian, who appears confused by Ava’s interjection. My confusion is the interjection at Lillian and not Henry.
Addison mutters a ‘fuck’s sake’ under her breath, rests her elbows on the picnic table to run her hands down her face. A mix of confusion and rage builds and fogs my brain. Addy having her claws permanently on display in every social setting, is now starting to make sense. Imagine dealing with these people for twenty-five years and see how well balanced you are.
“You know what? I don’t need this right now.” She scoffs a fake laugh as she gets up from the table.
“Sit back down, young lady, we are not done here,” Henry scolds her like a child, but she ignores him and storms off.
I am stunned into silence and watch as she leaves. I throw her parents a glare from across the table, stopping myself from saying anything that will require me to apologize again, before I get up and go after her.
“Addy, wai—”
“STOP, Noah! God, will you just leave me alone?!” she turns and shout whispers at me through her tears. She turns again and runs, leaving me standing there in stunned silence.
She literally ran from me.
Just indigestion. I need to go see that doctor.
I run to my room, open the door, and slam it behind me. When I make it to the bed, I sit on the edge and rest my hands on my knees and try to catch my breath. I stand up, pacing the room, trying to wrangle in my thoughts as the words from my parents work their usual damage.