Page 58 of Falling for Fury
“Your ability to make it in life as far as you have, with the cards you’ve been dealt, is a testament to your strength, and I believe that strength comes straight from your anger. Your fury when it comes to sticking up for your friends, the reason you nailed every one of your classes, why you go above and beyond at Lucas’s bar. The reason why, when we first met, you didn’t turn around and apologize, but instead, nailed me with the fiercest scowl I have ever seen, to–rightfully so–make me accountable for my actions in ploughing you down.” My lips part on a sigh at the raw emotion that seeps from his body as he speaks his words. His eyes darts to my lips, his tongue darting out to wet his before he latches back to my eyes and continues.
“You are the thing that helps fix that what is broken. You are not broken, Addison, so far from it.” He releases a deep breath and drops his forehead to rest against mine before whispering. “You fixed me.”
He raises his head slowly, vulnerability written all over him. My eyes then leave his and make it to his lips. His hand reaches up and swipes away the last of my tears, and he continues as I watch each word leave his mouth. My ears must be deceiving me. My brain doesn’t register the words he says.
“Your fury is not your weakness. It is your greatest strength, Addy. I think this world would be so completely lost if it didn’t have you.” The pain nails my chest and I can’t help the sob that leaves me. The spot his words land is so exposed and so personal; I have no idea how he knew what to say. All the other words said to me in the times I needed it pale in comparison. His words, his were everything I didn’t know I needed.
Just like him.
The pain, the betrayal and the emptiness remain, but it ebbs, slowly receding into the background as my breath evens out. I pull back to see the sheen in his own eyes as they desperately search mine.
His hands come up to my face, and he pulls me in. I think at first for a kiss, but he just pulls me to his shoulder, bringing me completely in his lap until I am straddling him and resting my head on his shoulder, my arms wrapped around his neck in a death grip. His arms circle my waist and match my strength. I think I could die here, content, feeling warm and accepted, with the one person on this planet who truly understands me and my pain, or at least is willing to meet me in the middle of my chaos to help me find a way out.
“Plus, watching you let loose is hot as fuck.” I pull back from him and find him smirking down at me, a smirk that makes my stomach flip, and a little laugh bubbles out of me. He chuckles softly before he pulls me back to him.
We stay like this for a few minutes while I cry and sob. His grip on my waist doesn’t let up, his circles on my back never cease, until my crying slows and my breath with it. Until I am calm enough to speak without hiccuping, and I pull back to look him in the face.
“Thank you.” It is a breathy moan at this point, slobbery and with no sexuality to it.
“You have nothing to thank me for.”
“I do. For… this. I am sorry if I ruined our date.”
“Oh, shortcake, you didn’t ruin anything. Thank you. For being vulnerable. For trusting me.”
He flinches slightly at the last bit but recovers so quickly I let it go. I pull his face to mine gently and give him a soft kiss. But I can’t help but wonder, how do you go back from this vulnerability? Was this too much too soon? Will he run? Will he leave again? How does someone ever want to go on a date again with someone who loses their shit so thoroughly?
“I understand if you don’t… like, if you don’t want to do this again. This is a lot, for anybody. And we barely know each other.”
His smile is small, but it shines in his eyes as he releases a warm chuckle while brushing a piece of hair behind my ear.
“One of these days you’re going to stop second guessing me. Stop expecting me to turn around and leave. Because Ads, I’m not going anywhere.” His eyes never waver as he continues, “Like I said, can’t scare me off that easily.” He doesn’t let me respond as he places a gentle kiss to my lips. His words sink deep into my veins, wrapping around my heart and injecting into my soul, begging me to let go, to trust him. I wrap my arms tighter around his neck, dropping my weight to grind into him as I deepen the kiss. I find myself hoping, praying, that trusting him is the right thing to do because he has buried himself so deeply into my heart and soul, to get him out will surely break me in two.
His hands become frantic on my back, searching, as he matches my desire. Our tongues break the seal of our lips, in a dance that feels practiced, like we have done this forever and it isn’t until a moan escapes me that he swallows with a hungry desire and I break away in a pant.
“This is probably not the place… to get carried away.” My eyes aren’t even open, knowing I can’t look at his gorgeous brown eyes without needing to rip my clothes off. He breathes heavily against my lips.
“Mmhmm, you’re probably right. Should we go?” I open my eyes to look at him, the amusement clear on his face, and my heart skips a beat. I take a few breaths, and a laugh escapes me as I throw my head back.
“Who knew rage crying was a type of foreplay?”
“Addison, there isn’t anything you could do that wouldn’t turn me on.” His eyes are still gorging on me hungrily, and I can practically hear the thoughts racing through his head. I attempt a swallow and a warmth floods south of my stomach as I try to wrangle my desire. He senses this and we both make the smart decision to stand. Still, without giving any space to the other. Like we need the proximity, the closeness.
“Let’s get out of here.” His voice is husky, and downright illegal.
“Yep.” I all but trip on my way to the door, adrenaline and exhaustion replaced with a renewed enthusiasm to have round two of the last time we were alone together.
Addy and I barely made it in the door of my brownstone before our clothes were torn from our bodies, leaving us in nothing but our underwear, if that’s what you can call the tiny g-string she wears. Fuck, the need for her, to claim her fully, consumes me as her tongue dances with mine.
“Noah.” She practically moans my name, turning my self-control to dust. I reach for her legs, lifting her with ease as she wraps them around my waist. Our kiss is frantic, my fingers dig into her waist, pulling her down against the hardness of my cock that is begging to be released from my boxers, the talons on my little devil rake through my scalp as she pulls on my hair, turning me from man to beast.
“I almost wish you hadn’t released so much at the Rage Cage, because I want it all. Will you give me all of your chaos, my little demon?” I taunt her, reveling in the husky laugh she releases. Her face turns, those fiery green eyes see right through my soul, and I feel her seductive rage wash over me.
“Oh, Romeo, there is plenty more where that came from. But I don’t think you could handle all my darkness,” she teases as she scrapes her teeth down my neck. There she is.
“Where have you been all my life?” My grip on her tightens as I walk–or rather, stumble–us towards the bed. I drop her and she bounces on the mattress, her breasts becoming a tantalizing display, and I remove my boxers immediately.