Page 9 of Something So Strong
“I don’t want to talk about this shit again.”
“Feel free to go over and introduce yourself if you think she’s worthy.”
“They’re all worthy, Jess… Every woman is worthy.”
“But it’s not your job to let them all know, mate.”
“Just show a little fucking respect, is all I’m asking.”
The fact that Romeo—who has fucked more women than everyone I know combined—is telling me to show respect proves two things. One, he’s just as tired as I am, and two, his mum remarrying hasn’t healed the scars his father left him with because I’m still the only one out of the three of us who would gladly welcome a relationship.
Bed-hopping just doesn’t do it for me anymore. I crave the mornings after instead of avoiding them at all costs. You know, the times when you wake up after having fucked a chick so thoroughly that she doesn’t stir until the smell of bacon and eggs wafts into the bedroom as you bring in the tray. Then you climb back into bed to replenish your energy for another day, week, lifetime of the same…?
Me either.
I have no idea what it feels like to wake up next to someone so special that you’d readily cast aside a life of one-night stands to spend every possible moment with them. Your entire body aching when they aren’t around. But there couldn’t possibly be a more inopportune time to seek out a relationship. I’m shacked up with people from the four corners of the globe who are all working temporary jobs like me. Nothing serious can ever happen. And I know that’s why Saxon suggested coming here in the first place. He needed a diversion from having his family secrets splashed throughout the tabloids and the anonymity of being a world away from people who do give a fuck about some rich prick and his money.
And me? I was happy to take a year off before starting my Master's of Law. I just didn’t expect the timing to coincide with the maturity of my emotional IQ.
“Just drink your fucking coffee,” I exhale, pushing the donut away from me until its plate clanks against Romeo’s.
Swallowing down the last of his drink, Romeo stacks the cup with the other and leans his cheek on his crossed forearms. “I’m sorry, I’m just tired. I know you’re not the disrespectful one. Though your hair story is getting a little old now.” Reaching up, he wraps his fingers around a patch of hair by my ear that has always grown darker than the rest. “You think that seeing you’re a big grown-up man now with a degree and everything that we can retire that story?”
Like a drama queen, I gasp like I’m about to grasp at some pearls but snatch the hair from him and stroke it. “That little tale got me through my tentative years. I’ll have you know.”
“Lucky girls,” he scoffs, tucking his hand back under his head. “Did you try it on Mavis?”
“Of course.”
“She laughed in my face.”
“She sounds perfect to me… For you, I mean.”
It’s my turn to nod without offering up any words because I know she’s perfect. So do you. We’ve already been through it. You understand she’s funny and switched on enough to realize that the story about my hair was never about having girls feel sorry for me. It had always been to weed out the ones smart enough to call me out on my bullshit.
With a sudden intake of breath, I yawn so big that my throat makes that funny squeaking nose where you aren’t sure if other people could hear it or if it was just you.
“Why don’t you go lay for an hour and I’ll come get you before induction?” Romeo suggests.
“You’re the one falling asleep at the table. Why not take your own advice?”
“I’ve just had two double espressos. My eyes might be closed, but there’s no way I’ll sleep. Seriously though, jetlag is fucked. If you can nap now, go and do it.”
I shrug off his suggestion and start poking at the food on his plate. “It’s cool. I’ll wait for Sax.”
“You sure you wanna do that?” he chuckles.
No. I’m positive I don’t want to do that. But here I am, barely clinging to consciousness because I’m too nervous to close my eyes for longer than five seconds because all I see is Kai. Hypnotizing me from across the hall. Casually slumped against the door frame like it’s a completely normal thing to seduce the new guy.
Do you seriously think I’d be here right now if I wasn’t escaping the treachery of my own mind?
Fuck no.
These thoughts are too much.